Sandler is at least doing stuff like Uncut Gems.
Sandler is at least doing stuff like Uncut Gems.
“How long was that thing in his lap?”
*Closes laptop thoughtfully, wipes away a tear, considers life for a moment, reopens laptop, types away furiously*
I feel real bad for them. It’s a similar feeling to that time in 2018 when Coke narrowly missed on revenue, which declined 6% to $7.06 billion, while analysts were expecting $7.07 billion. Just real intense stabs of sympathy is what I’m feeling.
I think I can speak for Baseball fans everywhere when I laugh and point at the Yankees’ misfortunes. Here’s to them getting their butts kicked in the ALDS by the Twins or A’s.
If only there was an unemployed QB that previously took his team to the Super Bowl available...
“Some people are fans of the Los Angeles Chargers.”
Since he retired from baseball, Schilling hasn’t done anything that would suggest he’d be a capable member of society, let alone Congress.
For all the faults, the frustrations, the dead ends, the unexplained, the unanswered, the erratic character shifts, the underwritten stories, the narrative cheats and the simple time wasting...I’m absolutely going to miss Legion.
Solid critique from a guy with [checks history] all of one comment.
Rex Ryan would nurse those feet back to health. Day and night, tirelessly working. Without thanks, without pay, without reciprocated feelings. That is what love is. Being there when you aren’t asked to be. Seeing the foot for what it is ON THE INSIDE and not for what it is on the outside, because that’s where true…
Considering the story arc is time relate, I think it’s not about comic book but an homage to La Jetée.
Sports is the only commons left where the MAGA invertebrates slither out from under their FoxNews & Facebook rocks and encounter others, so this is why hearing **gasp** mainstream political commentary on a sports program is so annoying to them. When ESPN does a lukewarm spot about Frank Robinson or something, it…
I suspect the Shadow King’s long con will be called out and addressed before the end of the show.
of course she is.
So if any of you were wondering what it would take for any free agent to choose to sign with a James Dolan team, the answer is for the other option to be the Islanders.
Talk radio was a mistake.
I get this kind of exercise. Speaking as a Bills fan, they could’ve won four Super Bowls if they’d defeated the eventual champion.
“It’s extremely self-centered and selfish of people,’ Pitino said