Ron Burgundy

A good point. But why should an actor be paid millions of dollars for 2 weeks of time when far more significant and important professions such as doctors, police officers, engineers, etc. make less than a small fraction of that? One of the major problems and contributions to what sets current prices is greed. There is

Seems that the dry shampoo pic is missing and the write-up for the 2 iphone apps are missing. I can see how there was supposed to be 6.

So many ppl here are arguing that Siri is only a beta, or that we cant expect voice control to be perfect with so many variables, etc. That's not the point being made here. The point is that everyone is going crazy over an app that works no better than what can be found in market for a couple of bucks... In several

There is an increasingly popular video twitter-like website/app that shares the same name. Im guessing they will not be very happy about this.

Yeah. Ive been taking it for a few years and it has almost zero affect on me anymore. I guess thats like most drugs, though. Crazy at first because of the unknown, then continually milder as you learn to recognize the feeling you have on it.

I agree. Until its proven that this is actually recording/storing/passing personal data, Im not too worried about it. And even if it is proven, Im still not too worried about it.

True story. Eating less will work for 90% percent of people trying to lose weight. Most people that say it doesnt work for them are making excuses and simply just dont have the self discipline needed to follow through. They try for a few days, usually cheating several times, and then give up before they have any

Las Vegas just started a project to build a giant wheel that will stand over 600ft. It will be the biggest in the world. Unless this one is actually built.

They went through all of the trouble of making this and used hand-written sharpie.

Yeah yeah. We got that.

We have no details of how this product will work, but I would argue that it should be safer than using antibiotics. Those are sold OTC in many forms and require little supervision. Also, a one-time visit for a prescription would make no sense if it was going to be accessible to everyone. In its final form, it would be

Snowboarding takes a little more effort to learn than skiing. Most people require 3 or 4 full days of trying before they start to feel very comfortable with it. Most people also quit before they get to that point.

Eh. The camera is mounted to the stick so it will appear steady, regardless. I get it, though.

The day that apple puts a bigger screen on iPhone will be the same day that all of you guys decide you like a bigger screen. No surprises...

Yeah, it says that now that evolution is an undeniable truth... Religions are forced to constantly reinterpret major beliefs as science proves them wrong.


Yeah, you're better off just skipping over anything Jesus Diaz writes on this site. I'm pretty sure you run a 50% chance of being banned just by reading it.

But Macs cant get viruses. I know because Mac owners have told me so, repeatedly.

I'm gonna have to disagree. To me, this article's major focus is dedicated to making the iPhone seem SOOOOO amazing because now, it can to this too! Just one more thing that makes the iPhone a godly device, right? No. It uses the iPhone as a display. The phone is literally doing almost nothing.

The camera app looks like its the same as the other video