Ron Burgundy

Kicker on cosmo is that even though it got finished, it was WAY over budget, repo'ed by the bank and has never turned a profit. Never, no quarters. It's being sold at a loss as that is the only way it will be purchased and the only way Deustche Bank can stop losing money on it (by losing it all at once).

As a native of Las Vegas, I would like to just say that we are a real city, and not just a soulless facade, you can decide not to come here, and that is fine. I would ask though that you not beat down my city just because you don't understand that not everyone wants to live in New York, or Chicago which quite frankly

So he's basically using a flint instead of a tee, and he's surprised that it produces sparks?

You know nothing of conservation.

Seriously, the level of amazement Sploid and Gizmodo show for "extreme" videos that aren't actually depicting anything that cutting edge at all for those of us in that industry is just mind boggling. You guys really have no idea how mediocre this stuff is in the world of people who ride or ski on a more regular

cut to

I don't think this is an example of liquefaction, which occurs during an earthquake, rendering the substrate liquid-like for the duration. When the shaking is done, the earth does not behave this way. I'm guessing the soil there is fairly loose and there is water beneath it, like in a bog.

And to clarify-

The Bill of Rights doesn't grant us the freedom to do "things." It grants us the freedom to do 10 specific actions. Those actions are vast, and broad. The freedom of unencumbered air travel does not appear. "The freedom to carry-on jumbo shampoos" doesn't appear. I'm nasty because you sound like a constitutional

This is pretty damned incredible. How much longer before there is true realtime imagery of every inch of the planet? I bet it's way closer than most people imagine.

I'd be surprised if someone could not discern between Johnny Blue and the lesser versions (esp. Red or Black) unless they were drinking it as a shot, which if so pretty much everything tastes the same.

'Cause it's more humane to kill and eat a helpless animal that was raised in a pen too small for it to even turn around, fed a diet of gawd-only-knows, and shot dead at point blank range on it's final day.

They have been doing things like this for ever catching greedy hunters. The sad thing is there are states that allow spotting/shining, baiting and other non hunter type hunting.

What's the larger issue, and why I want torrenting to be around is that it's the ONLY thing that's been forcing content providers to innovate and deliver what the market wants (DRM-free, highly available content, etc).

What an inane point....some attacks HAVE happened ergo NO attacks have been prevented. That's like saying researching a cure for cancer is completely useless bc people are still getting cancer. Of course you don't know about all the small/large attempts here and there bc that would be insane for a gov't to cop to

These are individuals using their access to look at things they shouldn't. Should we abandon Police forces because some jealous cops use databases to spy on lovers?? My answer is no. I do believe the NSA has severely violated privacy of individuals but using the example used in the article is grasping at straws, in my

how sensationalistic can this article get???

I'm done. The stupid is too high. Infinity overrides probability.

if its infinite, any probability no matter how small will happen, not only that but since you have infinite monkeys you will have one monkey hitting every key in the desired order.

Your misunderstanding of the concept of infinite is what interferes with the thought experiment that has the result of one monkey writing the complete works of Shakespeare on a typewriter.