Ron Burgundy

Yes, your opinion is dead on. It's not like they spend millions researching market trends, predicting future business, analyzing numbers, etc, right? And the banks love to loan billions of dollars to companies that have no way of showing that a profit will be made. They just build that shit and cross their fingers.

Hint: There is more to Vegas that walking the strip. You don't know Vegas at all if your concern is kids walking on the sidewalk. It's the only thing they can do there.


Is it possible? Yes

99% of hunters will agree that trophy hunters are d-bags. That doesn't mean we don't hope to some day have a chance at "trophy animal" but it's really the least of our concern. I know it sounds contradictory, but real hunters appreciate wildlife and nature more than most people.

I've been trying to figure out why the latest Chiddy Bang album wasn't released as planned.

I agree. If I'm thinking correctly, that is about when they decided to ditch the family thing.

No. Vegas had a very short-lived couple of years that they tried to appeal to families. That was a while back. It didn't work out very well and they immediately went back to advertising and catering to adults only. Vegas is one of the largest tourist attractions in the word so you're gonna get families with kids, no

It is strongly believed that religions, at least in most current forms, are a significant hinderance to scientific progress. Many will also agree that the major reasons religion developed in the first place are no longer essential, and that the number of religious followers will steadily decline as science prevails.

They've already designed ammo meant to "kill better" in the way you describe. It's called shot.

Sounds like you don't know what you're talking about. Many people I know, as well as myself, have spent quite a lot of time in the area the past year without a single issue.

Talk to Brad Johnson at Gold Spike to get a great idea of what they are aiming to do.

Actually, all of the things you mention here are quite accounted for in the movie. The fact that you didn't catch them is the very reason many people say the movie can be hard to follow. Maybe you understood the general plot, as did anyone who watched, but you missed some of the major reasoning. I will admit that

You always aim for vitals in the chest when bow hunting. I'm not sure the arrow would even be legal in most hunting situations. Most states have fairly strict broadhead regulations. This was either a big miss or, more likely, some jackass with no respect for wildlife.

All Vegas golf courses use reclaimed water. There is an enormous effort in Las Vegas to conserve.

All Vegas golf courses use reclaimed water. There is an enormous effort in Las Vegas to conserve.

They fluoresce under UV light. Common misunderstanding.

To me, this seems more like a "horsing around in the workplace" type situation. It seems like they were all friends trying to have a good time at work. Im not necessarily saying that he enjoyed it, but he didnt have to put up with it if it was a real issue — which is exactly why he didnt care until he got fired. It

No. What you are saying is that you have the mind of an uneducated child. You do not get it. Dont mean to be harsh, but you are not able to understand the concept so there is no way to discuss.

Again, you dont understand the concept. At all...