Ron Burgundy

Is the app impressive? Probably.

I agree. Unfortunately, that is the way it goes for a very large segment of the worlds population.

You lost all credibility when you decided to turn it into a democratic party-bashing issue.

Its all about religion. My girlfriend will not accept evolution as true because it goes against her spiritual beliefs (based strongly on tragic events that have happened to her family). But she is extremely smart. She is 1 semester away from a doctorate in physical therapy (science based) and she has never had a

I cant speak specifically for Miss USA, but my girlfriend was a Miss America pageant girl and I've met many of the others. While religious, most of these girls are actually pretty smart and have a lot going for them. Most will probably accomplish more in their lives than a majority of the people reading GIZ. Just

Uuummm.... Malpractice lawsuits are a major problem for medicine...

Ha. Yeah, I like Giz for entertainment value. Engadget is my number 2.

So you're saying that spending $9000/week as a total loss to avoid the "trouble of selling later" is a better idea than purchasing and making 90% of you're investment back? No. It would be cheaper to buy and hire someone to resell it for you, or to resell at an extremely discounted price tag. Unless, perhaps, it's

BOOM. Nuff said. I think the "no phone at the table" thing comes mostly from an older (and jealous) generation. It's something similar to the "no calculators" rule in some college courses — Yes, I know that you didn't have calculators when you learned it, but we do have them now and they will be readily available

The most popular DJs are popular because they play what people like to hear. For the most part, the highest point of any DJs career would be residency at a major club (there are exceptions, but mostly). Obviously, they do not take requests. They can put whatever they want on their mixtape, but that isnt where their

Every tax payer has paid for most of the things you are considering. I'm not sure about this. Telephone networks here may be a different situation. Regardless, as inconvenient as it is, the constitution does not seem guarantee use of these networks. Maybe that should be changed, but the fact remains for now.

Whats your go to site?

I agree. It could have been some sort of protest that involved water guns or something. Although it wont hurt anyone, you cant just gather up a bunch of ppl and shoot strangers with water guns or throw water balloons at them. It would be considered a crime to do so. At the very least, it sounds like it was an attempt

Yes. Everyone knows BBM, Blackberry or no Blackberry.

Viruses are not archaea.

Exactly! You're screwing yourself if you steal my identity.

Was the final judgement to halt Samsung sales based solely on this picture? Probably not. One thing is for certain, though — the use of that particular image by Apple was no accident.

IDK, I guess I get it. I don't know the circumstances involved with the detention of this individual, but i wouldn't necessarily say that questioning somebody is such a bad thing when they are photographing potential targets.

Pretty much no phones that are currently for sale have duel core.

Yes, I do know that, which is why I specifically stated that type of stem cell. My point is that they are using dead infant tissue for what they believe is a health benefit. Although they are obviously completely wrong, its a similar social/moral issue to stem cell research (older methods, as stated).