
Don't celebs have publicists and handlers? I know she's not Angelina Jolie level of stardom, but wasn't there someone around who could have said, "Uh...girl..noooo"?

Eh, I think Charles would hate Pence regardless of tradition. Prince Charles is noted for his pro-environment support of charities and work at his estate, and assisting young people in business. I think Pence’s evangelical beliefs would also be pretty far right for even the conservative Church of England...

CHEST! OMG.  Stupid auto correct ruined my snark.

Borna issued a written apology to his students and the school...

something something big cock something something...

It looks like white Muppets are grabbing Melanie's cheat.

According to the tenets of the socialism that Sanders claims to follow, we ALL own those three houses, not him. 

Yeah, overreach and lazy ignorance. The royals’ treatment of Meghan is abhorrent, but the issue of Charles’ political beliefs is a little more complicated than “he’s a rich white royal dude therefore he has to be a Tory”. While I’m sure he’s very conservative on issues like the future of the monarchy and is definitely

The longer I look at Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the more he goes from being the radical old white guy with the alternative ideas to the white guy who’s way too comfortable around black people.

Anyone not fucking named Bernie Sanders. He wants the nomination, he needs to join the fucking party. Fuck him in his grifting ass. 

I’m no huge fan of Charles, but he’s been using his rare political commentary for years primarily to push for action on climate change, so saying he sucks “just as much” as Mike Pence feels like a real overreach. 

Bitch, I’ve been here longer than your ass but I actually have to do my goddamn job during the day so I can’t spend uninterrupted hours commenting on every goddamn story that’s fucking posted not that I owe you a goddamn thing about what I do and don’t do over here.

Whelp. The Bernie bros are gonna swarm The Root again. Frankly, any septagenarian white politician is going to have racially problematic statements in his past. But since Saint Bernie is running a campaign of extreme purity tests that only he can pass..... even small shit in his past is going to smell real bad.

You can tell that Sanders is a career politician because his most successful campaign has been convincing people he is not a politician while getting nothing done and raking in that senator salary. 

If Bernie whines, lies and bitches his way to the nomination, because we all know 2016 was “rigged” FUCK NO!!!!!!!!!! I live in a nice blue state. I will vote down ballot and not give two fucks when Reagan-Mondale II happens. You clowns are so blind to the disaster this man is it’s scary. They have a whole bunch of

Wait I thought people liked the High Sparrow because he NEVER changes, in fact it’s a thing I’ve seen people brag about constantly on various websites. So now change is good?

“No offense, but he’s from Oklahoma.”

I found this pic which, I guess, is supposed to represent the B&B.

I looked everywhere for the big KFC chicken in Marietta, GA. This is all I could find. It doesn’t look like a topiary.

Beware Stephen, this article will soon have 300 comments under it. It will smell like a white reggae band and it will be filled with words like Neo Liberal shill, corporate Dems and other phrases that mean “I really haven’t done shit in my career and hope they don’t notice.” They will be from people that never post