
Followed by “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”

Makes me wonder who the “offensive” gays you’re alluding to are...

Perhaps that’s why Apple, the company credited with popularizing the idea of a music player as a quintessential accessory

“/s” is usually used to indicate sarcasm round these parts...

Is that “X” pronounced like a “z” or a “sh”?

Was this sarcasm? He really, really hasn’t....

And then as she got back to his apartment she started getting weird vibes. She’s like, something feels off. And he’s like, can I give you a massage? And she’s like, sure

Wooooww, CrApple fan-boys are really easily impressed....

I’m not silent on JP. I didn’t highlight his transgressions because most people are very aware of him being a POS because what he’s done has been much more recent and well publicized in the age of social media. Additionally, despite any accusations against Paul, Tyson was actually convicted of his crimes - there is no

Oh is Hunter Biden an elected official or is he the joke relative of an elected official akin to Billy Carter or Roger Clinton? Nobody fucking cares about him because he’s not anyone that actually matters - maybe that’s why nobody is paying attention to it apart from people who are likely to shoot up a pizza parlor

They and you are absolutely doing that. Anything that attempts to cast him in a positive or even “passable human being” light is indeed glossing over what he’s done. There was no mention of his past crimes in this article, the comments, or most anything else discussing this human garbage in recent history - they gave

Never forget that Tyson is a woman abuser and a rapist. Anything that attempts to normalize/empathize with “this poor man” is why people like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein were allowed to get away with everything they did for so long. Congratulations on being part of the continuing problem Matty!

If only he had been as nice and friendly with Robin Givens and Desiree Washington - the wife he very publicly abused and the woman he was convicted of raping. Tyson is nothing but human garage - enablizing/engrandizing of abusers like you’re doing is why 1 in 3 women in this country will be subject to domestic abuse

In the end it’s still a 57 year old woman beater and convicted rapist. Please let it get its garbage self removed from this world as soon as possible - FTFY!

Or Hugh’s typical Tuesday night...

The Dune 2 bucket IS the backend....

So what you’re saying is if I got the Dune 2 bucket, and the D&W bucket, and I connected them bottom to bottom that I will get the full Hugh Jackman experience?

It was also the film that featured the most child actors so it was extra relatable to us younguns of the ‘80s

Yeah, but when would you find the time to actually carry out the revenge? Is this why they say revenge is best served cold - The preparation just takes so damn long?

This seems deliberately worded to shift blame away from Republicans who are the obvious source of most causes like this