He’s so self-loathing its palpable.
He’s not my husband. He's my roommate who just hasn't met the right gal yet. Vote for me please!
The only thing this fucker Buttigieg believes in or cares about is his personal ambition.
“I don't have a problem with homosexual lifestyle. I just don't ever want to see it anywhere ever."
The last Midwest snowstorm didn’t knock over my mother’s Mayor Pete sign. Instead the snow weighed down the already sagging plastic material so much that the middle sank straight down, and now all it says is 20P E20.
I wish Buttigeig would drop out. He’s clearly a manchurian candidate in the pockets of the 3rd way Democrat elite. His distancing from LGBTQ culture and issues gives me the impression that he’s ashamed of who he is and is trying to “sanitize” it to make himself more appealing to clueless midwesterners.
This is a Eurocentric view. Just because the natives didn’t have the same tech as Europeans does not mean they were primitive.
“Property is theft.” - insane people
NP shithead
“This is why Republicans win.” - me, a lifelong Democrat
Cool, let me know which of your stuff I can use whenever I want. Oh wait, why would I ask permission first?
“On the upshot, those people can be completely ignored, because that’s a stupid attitude and arguing over it does no good.”
Twisting the knife. Oh Concourse A, we hardly knew ye!
What really adds insult to injury is the map of Concourse A just underneath the announcement.
No, that TV was not his to use. The airport was right to ask him to stop so people could use the map instead.
I mean, using an expensive TV to display what a printed piece of paper could is kind of odd but- still, it’s their hardware.
Eh...it was a really different world back then. Given how airport security is now I’m genuinely surprised this ended with just being asked to stop.
Just buy a Switch people. It makes flying immensely better and you’re less of an asshat.
This is probably the same asshole who (seated one row behind you) takes his shoes off on the plane and then rests his feet on your arm rest.