
ROFL hahahhaa I still think youre wrong, but this comment was gold!

I had the pleasure of not hating Full House because I could never be enticed to watch even 1 minute of the show during its entire air time. Can’t hate what I never knew.

In order to be accurate, the question should say “Suzy was raped at a frat party. She called the police, and the sperm evidence was collected. The sperm sat in storage for 20 years. Once finally tested, it was revealed that Suzy’s rapist was now a Congressman. Suzy urged the state to prosecute him, but the prosecutor

I have to admit the lowest and most predictable delight as this story keeps unfolding. It’s about the stupidest thing to get caught doing, and then every time they deny and double down...ah, sweet schadenfreud.

I hear Crime Hat is getting immunity in exchange for its testimony.

Aside from the inappropriate question, it’s not exactly challenging to determine that Suspect 1 is the rapist.

They really have to be deluded to look at how Felicity Huffman, who did less than them, pled guilty, and publicly apologized, got 6 days in jail and think they can be just fine.

Correct answer: When the responding officer arrived at the scene, he took one look at Suzy and decided that based on her appearance she must have been asking for it. Based on this assumption, he never offered to collect a rape kit. He gathered no physical evidence, made one attempt to get a copy of the video from the

“I have found your physical ailment to be a sexual fetish” is a bad look yo.

I’m sorry, but I’m not sharing a hairbrush with every random hookup you’ve had in the last year, let alone a dildo.

The rest of the stuff is camouflage, all the acetone is for making meth.

Wait, so, it’s not illegal as long as the school solicits the bribe?

Haven’t you seen the commercials! It’s ‘handmade’!

What kind of psychopath thinks overnight guests are going to go through TWO BOTTLES of nail polish remover during their brief time at your place? That screams of “oh, here’s some lady stuff hurr hurr.”

Can your own wine, like in the pioneer days!

Sales of spirits also grew last year, with Tito’s toppling Smirnoff as the best-selling vodka in the U.S. This is a big deal, because it suggests that consumers are willingly paying more for higher quality premium products.

I like some of the newer boxed wines for this reason. Once opened, they last for months, so it is easy to have one and not worry about the rest. And some of them are getting pretty good. I like the Vin brand. 

I’m trying my best!