
You cannot minimize the importance of any of the ingredients. A good BLT (which is a transformative experience) is more than the sum of its parts. It exists not in the ingredients, but between them.

Looks “on brand” to me.

Inn&out immediately comes to mind.

If, every time you order Mac and cheese, they punch a gay baby, then it's on brand.

CFA articles get the clicks. 

Or, for about a dollar, you can make Kraft Mac & Cheese at home and NOT give money to help destroy the lives of LGBT people. Just saying.

It’s just annatto.

Chick-fil-A serves mac-and-cheese now: On brand or not?”

Yeah, I can occasionally overlook some shitty things that corporations do(because if you can’t you’ll probably have nothing to buy), but throw in the fact that their chicken sandwich is only decent and the fries suck with their homophobia and I’ll just pass 100% of the time. The diet lemonade is actually outstanding,

The macaroni and cheese may be extra, but the homophobia is still always free of charge.

You guys give an unreasonable amount of coverage for CFA despite the fact that they are a shitty company that directly contributes to the suicides of LGBT teens.

I usually throw some gin in there since I rarely have any tonic water on hand.

Still not getting my money.

Easy test. Start a rumor that Duh Leebralz in Holywud ain’t gonna let you have yer MackeeCheeze!

Is it really that hard to just add vodka to your LaCroix like a normal middle-aged housewife?

The most ridiculous thing is in terms of actual political believes most Latinos lean extremely conservative due to their predominately Catholic religion. The Republicans have to work to alienate these people and god damn if they aren’t trying their hardest.

Gosh, it’s almost like when the leader of your party spends all of his time openly attacking and degrading Latinos, as the rest of the party hierarchy sit back and gives their tacit approval, Latino voters might be more motivated to vote for the opposition and put a state with a high Latino population like Texas at

Three mass shootings and the GOP’s singular response is to feign outrage over a studio movie satire they have not even seen.

Nothing good can happen when you drink like a Wisconsinite and think like a Floridian.

So many cargo shorts. There are no winners here, only losers.