
I love how the patio diner throws a bread roll at the camera. Dude, the restaurant just got smoke bombed. Deal with it or EAT INSIDE.

Wow, a digital Wonder Woman series. That is literally the smallest bone DC could throw us.

She always solves everything by magiking up a pie or some shit, but that doesn't pay for the multiple thousands in property damage she causes! Their homeowners insurance company must have ritually burned their policy and formally shunned them.

Not necessarily hated hated, but it always irked me that the Berenstain Bears were named Mama, Papa, Brother, and Sister fucking Bear. And, like, that was their actual names. Why??? The other bears in the world had names. Lizzy Bruin, etc. Just so annoying. Every time another character in the books that wasn't a

"That show is awkward because there's actually no reason for that character to be Indian."

I wish we could get a "big bang" I'm enjoying the rightwing tears, but they're only at a slow trickle.

And people say a liberal arts degree is wasted...

a disproportionate figure considering that they aren't the majority of sexually active people.

Treats her like shit while she is dressed up all pretty and un-slutty, mind you. Because while first impressions might be important, your clothing choices won't keep you from being assaulted.

My gif isn't as mature as yours. To Dodai and everyone leaving, this is me:

Dodai, I think I'll miss you most of all.

Dodai, I knew this day was coming, and I feared it, because you have been my favorite writer here and I have really appreciated your perspective and your skill as a writer. Fusion is lucky to have you, and I will be checking it out regularly. Thank you so much for your years here.

I honestly feel that, with the way teenagers are being raised today to be the most narcissistic assholes and have no respect for others, especially their elders, that maybe the only way to start teaching them is legal action.

The Daily Show has 4 female writers right now, more than any other late night show. They also have several female producers and staffers with feministy leanings.

Jessica Williams is a treasure, and I hope she'll continue to be on The Daily Show for many, many years to come.

Go at his letter with a red marker and then send it back and ask him to fix his mistakes.