members (and only members) have the option to start their shopping trip with a meal
Considering that she started her tutelage under Gordon Ramsay at a young age, this could have been worse...
Fine, you got me with Carrot Jam. I won’t make it, but I will put in front of my friends who are likely to make it so I can try it.
I definitely had to look up those Carambar jokes. Here are a few examples. Please feel to explain what they mean to the rest of us (Google translate wasn’t much help, I’m sure there are double entendre, homonyms, slang, etc. involved):
the holy grail. Organic cotton candy that is gluten-free, dye-free, kosher, and vegan
It seems like a real missed opportunity not to have it be a mushroom dog. In the simplest form I’m sure someone has battered and fried a thick Portobello steak “finger” before, or it could go in a much more processed direction. Only using fungus in the condiment/garnish for it seems like a cop out.
I think I know the article you meant to post this to.
This is the first time I’m hearing the “rapist” accusation, but you weren’t kidding. Seems like ML is getting the Cosby treatment by the media...
How many articles/listicles have I read telling me never to drink the coffee (or hot tea) on planes because the on-board water is barely potable and they never wash the carafes? Just like getting coffee anywhere else, how much care is taken in making it matters quite a bit to the end product...
But a business like a cafe can’t be constantly changing its prices to reflect the latest cost of these commodities
That’s assuming the profitability would continue. I read this situation as KK building up a successful brand in an incredibly saturated market sector (cookie stores), seeing the writing on the wall about the future of that sector, and selling off a valuable asset before it takes a nose dive in value. If some foolish…
I’m still waiting for them (the dictionary industry in general) to provide an accurate, suitable definition for the way too overused “sexy” when describing food (MB currently provides the definition of “generally attractive or interesting“). I blame Top Chef for its proliferation to the general public and I’m pretty…
“including ‘avo’ (avocado), ‘guac’ (guacamole), and ‘marg’ (margarita). ...these terms no doubt project a confident familiarity with the food in question, whereas using its fuller, more ‘formal’ name might indicate that we’re new to a particular cuisine.”
Agreed - no lid, no sale! The buckets by themselves are too thin to use as functional buckets. The only real use they might have is when a lid is added that adds to the stability of the bucket and makes it a container that can store things without spilling them out. (Extra bonus if the lid includes a cookie cutter -…