
Thanks for showing us all how much smarter you are. 

You seem like a real fun guy!

Laurie using a gun against Michael is proof that Trump is right. It IS a dangerous time for white men in America.

I always cut the covfefe of the ends of my cheese. I turned out fine!

You spelled airors wrong.

I want so badly for Cruz to go down in history as “the politician who fucked up so utterly and completely that he managed to turn goddamn TEXAS blue.”

“Never be cruel, never be cowardly. [...] Always try to be nice and never fail to be kind.”

One more time: it’s not a trial, it’s a job interview.

I think you know where I stand on this.

I actually enjoyed the textural differences from top bite to mid way... instead of having all crumbly pepperoni throughout, having crispy/crumbly top and then more meatiness in the middle was nice.  Also, the pain of having to pre-prep all that pepperoni for a service would be rough given our space/time constraints. 

It’s very much a thing.  It’s sometimes nicknamed a Sloppy Sicilian because of the generous application of cheese to the edges which ends up caramelizing the edges.  We took it a step further by tucking the cheese purposely into the edge of the pan to create more of a wall of cheese (a la Pequods theory).  Detroit is

was so garlicky it could peel paint.

lol “Concentration Camps” Hyperbole much?

Fuck this. Food is part of a culture and we share it openly. I don’t get triggered when I see someone eating Italian food. I am happy for them to enjoy cuisine I grew up with.

Maybe try celebrating that something from your culture is now readily available when you travel and get off the white girl bs?

I used to own Cannonball Run 2, but then I used the VHS to film people having sex. Because I’m a pervert.

Don’t think of it as a shot, think of it as an amuse-boozsh.

Does the klutz who spilled red wine on my clothes owe me?”

If anything, I have a problem with the finale being too specific about things like what the sideways world was. Christian all but read a Wikipedia page to Jack before the final scene.

Jacob’s cabin was originally built by Horace, and Jacob hung out there for a period of time before it was taken over by MiB.