Aubrey Plaza and Michael Cera started dating in real life after the filming was complete.
Aubrey Plaza and Michael Cera started dating in real life after the filming was complete.
“Will this bluray collection sale survive much longer? Will AVClub ever switch back to Discus comments??? Will BlackMesaPR ever get that stick out of its butt?!! Stay tuned, for the next episode of DRAGONBALL Z!”
“Will this bluray collection sale survive much longer? Will AVClub ever switch back to Discus comments??? Will…
Monopoly is the Troy McClure of board games.
I haven’t checked to see if Chick-Fil-A does that or not, but there’s certainly options like Favor available for it either way. I’d rather go to Whataburger if I have to wait, but I do crave the spicy chicken sandwich every now and then. I just have to get it when it’s not a normal meal time.
No need to take it personally, bro (hey, you called me chief, I get a nickname for you too). It’s got nothing to do with Chick-Fil-A, and everything to do with stay at home mom’s and their screaming children. Even with a double drive through line + a walking attendant, the cars always wrap around the restaurant and…
Literally any chick-fil-a in the DFW area, which is why I don’t eat at them.
Now we’re thinking properly
Works great, until you tap the box resting on top of the cup, it falls off its delicate balancing position, and takes the lid and straw with it.
Doesn’t help when your already-low-budget gets slashed in half again. The things they make work with as little money as they get is astounding.
Agreed. Between requiring the entire ensemble to be together, and the desperation for the endgame, the reviewer seems to be getting stuck in the weeds instead of just enjoying what was a really strong episode.
It was the “Airplane!” flashback, but executed 1000% better.
The Law Library stopped providing kegs like 6 months ago! Get with the times, people.
An absolutely fantastic level. I’m glad they gave a shoutout to the original Half-Life in the Doom section -- I still remember being scared by that one, being able to hear monsters around the corner, or seeing one waiting for me to try and get by it to the next exit. One of the only games a replay with regularity.
This is totally different — you have to pay for this online streaming service instead.
Considering they’re judging by weight, and Candy Corn is dirt cheap for heavy bags, I don’t think this should come as a huge surprise.
I absolutely doubt it.
Is that Lemonheads in Louisiana??! I thought I was the only one obsessed with those things