
I am appreciating the inclusion of this piece here, and I respect the scholar who is exploring this seeming incongruity. But I think it might be hasty to draw conclusions about this whole situation by further creating a dichotomy: dangerous blonde bombshell vs. The Real Sylvia Plath.

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 53, she was in remission for 15 years until she got diagnosed again this past February. I was 8 when she was first diagnosed, now I am 23, and I have to say that it is a lot fucking scarier when you’re a grownup and fully realize that your mom has a

Unless you are Titus.

I assume it meant oncoming divorce because of Chip’s affair with Clint. Everyone thought it was Joanna having the affair or that Clint was in love with her, but that was just a crazy cover and everything is about to come out in the tabloids.

All I know is I can’t stop thinking of cannolis

Not only do I agree that the humans will end up working with Michael to keep Shawn and the Powers that Be from sending them all to a more traditional Bad Place and destroying Michael, but I also suspect that we’re going to see that last season’s events had more of an impact on the humans than the demons understand.

The guy who says “There’s no time! He can fly!” on Parks and Rec gave what may be the finest line-reading in television history.

I won’t defend MJH (it’s not hard to say “i’m bummed about my vacation and also thinking about the people who have it worse”) but did you read Amy Poehler’s book? Every page is her apologizing for slightly complaining about something bad that happened to her because she is SO LUCKY AND BLESSED AND SHOULD NEVER BE

The follow up to the Yogurt line made me laugh

This is easily the weirdest post I’ve ever made, but I thought Sean said they were trying out the new butthole SPREADERS.

LISA BLOOM IS GLORIA ALLRED’S DAUGHTER?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reese. She seems scrappy.

Discussion time: who would you put money on in a fight, Nicole or Reese? Reese seems like she’d cut a bitch, but Nicole survived Tom Cruise for ten years, so I feel like it’d be pretty even odds.

It’s fine, she’s probably in on it.

I knew because if it was heaven there would have been a million ice cream shops - not frozen yogurt.

Maybe he’s Tate’s antichrist kid. (What is with his characters having weird children on this show?)

The crowd dispersal scene made it randomly occur to me - what if Kai is one of (Asylum) Kit Walker’s star child descendants, complete with weird psychic powers? Maybe the blue hair is a hint to his status as a twisted “indigo child.” It would fit into the fear of (illegal) aliens theme, too.