
Are you referring to the FABULOUS last podcast on the left series on Jim Jones that wrapped up last week?

Yes! I thought the mexican restaurant sketch would have been out of place and sexist 20 years ago, but now it just seemed uninspired. She’s such a talent, why just waste it on a valley girl accent?

I saw this press conference earlier and started dry heaving because I was overwhelmed with joy at a Pregnant! Lady! PM! in one of my very favorite countries

This is EXACTLY the vibe i’ve always gotten from her and I feel so vindicated

Don’t you sully the good name of the Capitol Weather Gang

Is there a new category of porn for women that’s just handsome men baking muffins or something?

What on EARTH is going on with this comment

I should say that I don’t necessarily believe in ghosts, but I know that this happened to me, and that I was awake. My story happened the summer I was sixteen, up in a little town on Cape Cod. My best friend’s family had basically a compound out there; her family was one of the early founders of the town, and as such

Hot take: Prince William is FINE AS HELL and can get it any day of the week

I actually have an different take on this: Sylvia Plath was an alumna of my college, and as such her letters were pretty much required reading. Her letters were always impactful to me not only because of her brilliance, but because of how ordinary she was; she seemed like me or my friends, and that made her anecdotes

Ok so I’m sure y’all probably know this, but it’s not just aquazzura she rips off. A few months ago I was looking for a pair of slingback, cap-toed pumps similar to these Chanel ones, only to find a very familiar looking pair from the Ivanka Trump label. This isn’t just inspiration, it’s a straight rip-off down to the

I feel like you’re burying the lede here: LISA BLOOM IS SLAYING IT

I similarly adore Ted Danson, but is he actually a villan? I kind of love the idea that he’s just a bureaucrat trying really hard to do his job well (and his job is just to do evil).

Can I be in a 4th couple with the dog or what

She’s... a child? And he’s a grown man who should have known better than to sext a minor? How is this not victim blaming?

C’mon now, don’t be unkind.

What I think is funny about this is that in politics (and maybe everywhere else, I don’t know) this is called a “drop-in,” where a member of congress will drop in with a particularly valued lobbyist or constituent during a staff meeting. Based on the rules of the drop-in, that makes Ivanka higher ranking than her dad.

Ok so idk if this is a helpful comment but I actually work in political fundraising in DC and medals are an enormous fundraising incentive—it’s not just the Trump campaign. And I really, really, really hate that man, but this is kind of... good marketing? Idk man, I just think there is so much more you can criticize

Unrelated but you seem fun and we should go clubbing some time

It looks like Princeton basketball is in for a better-than-usual season!