
I’ve done the friend break up before under awful circumstances and can confirm it can be as heart breaking as a romantic relationship falling apart. Sorry that happened to you.


Okay, okay. THANK YOU. See, I was listening to Pod Save America yesterday and he slipped in something about “Ronan” while talking about Sonos, or whatever, and I DIDN’T KNOW. I obsessively was googling things for like, 20 minutes, trying to find proof that it’s real life. I don’t know why I’m so into this, but I am.

The only secret couple I want to see finally go public is Jon Lovett and Ronan Farrow.


Not gonna lie, I like her outfit.....in ANY OTHER FUCKING CIRCUMSTANCE. I wouldn’t even be dumb enough to wear this get up and I used to drive my car with the gas light on in snowstorms decked out in club wear.

Hard pass.

Holy shit am I tired of hearing the phrase “playing the victim” used about a woman who was literally just in a courtroom getting justice for being sexually assaulted this month.

Many people don’t even know the term “placebo effect” but it’s really powerful. All I wanna know is:

This is rank misnoncoulry!

I’m reasonably sure that Donald doesn’t know anything without John Kelly’s help. Now if anyone can wrestle the goddamn phone out of Trump’s hands so he can’t tweet anymore THAT would be an accomplishment.

it’s interesting to consider... wears fedora.

makes idiotic comment conflating men lying about bald spots. vs women having to do vagina magic to protect fragile men who think period blood is icky when they want to get boned.

Considering how much generals hate being called “my generals” I wouldn’t doubt it.

I wear a baseball cap at all times not because I’m trying to hide a bald spot (any idiot can figure that out, and lately I’ve been going for the Stone Cold Steve Austin bald-with-a-goatee look anyway) but because I’m autistic and hiding my eyes is kind of what my people do.

(and don’t let my avatar picture fool you;

I love really short hair. I have dreams about the day I lose enough weight to rock a pixie cut without looking like a marble perched on a beach ball. (I have a really small head.)


“...she does not receive compensation for products she mentions.”

And where all his biscuits are oonderbaked.

Paullywood is Anthony Bourdain’s smugness coupled with Guy Fieri’s charm. I hope he goes to a purgatory where all his ice creams are left on the counter.