
thats fucked up man

Honestly, the cognitive dissonance that comes out whenever this site discusses women or minorities who don’t have the “right” opinions is just baffling to me! I got cranky and had to say it.

replace gob w adam. never cared for him tho i think this relationship was way less fake. i think they both knew it was good for their publicity tho.

LOL like Karlie ever went anywhere.

No! It's so sad when a contract expires.

These photographs show the freedom and liberation of women and the voice to make an impact on a greater cause

I’m all for gun control but I’m going to play the devil’s advocate here and point out that, in her case, having a gun was a great equalizer and would have been so whether the boyfriend also had a gun or not.

Where did I ever say any of the proposed legislation would bar her from having a gun? I’m simply talking about a legitimate reason why people defend the right to have guns. Why don’t you read what I actually wrote before running your mouth.

Right, because believing and trusting women only applies to women we agree with.

I know you probably didn’t mean it, but in this context, it’s really not a great idea to talk about wanting to smack her.

I know she says some awful things, but this is a legitimate point. Yes, we can argue about how everyone would be safer if nobody had guns, but there are so many women out there who have stalkers, protective orders against abusive exes, etc. Are we really going to tell them that a piece of paper is going to save their

Donald Trump can use them for mittens.

Is there a historic reason as to why there is no organized professional or college Baseball for women in the USA? I understand there is Softball, but that’s not Baseball, is it?

My thoughts exactly! Plus the post by her bff is full of reminders of her accomplishments (basically her IMDb) and that’s the sort of post I’d make for my friend who was trying to cope with something like this.

They didn’t even make it to the ‘one month for every year of our age difference’ stage of their marriage.

Suggested baby names for the tiniest Stodden:

I don’t get the Amber Rose fascination. I think she’s beautiful, has a smokin’ body and seems to be a loving mom. Which are great things that she can take some pride in, for sure, but really, what else has she done? Pretty much any success that she has had has come from knowing or being with the right men. She

Amber Rose has transformed being a famous person’s girlfriend into a career in media/entertainment. I think success stories like hers are the reason no one wants to do hard work anymore.

Sorry but Bushes who aren’t descended from Barbara are not canon. It’s like finding some obscure Knowles family member with no blood relation to Tina.