I said in another thread that I have a friend who owns a bus company. I’m wondering if he’s looking for investors.
I said in another thread that I have a friend who owns a bus company. I’m wondering if he’s looking for investors.
His lips are moving.
Hot take. Millions of Americans are not smart...at all. Grifters and charlatans have been getting the better of the citizenry for centuries. Holy Rollers, religious zealots, alternative medicine, PT Barnum. Many, many Americans embrace snake oil salesmen of every stripe. They always have.
I’m wondering how many oval office meetings have ended with him sweeping everything off the Resolute Desk in a rage because someone suggested he might not want to take some particular course of action.
Half the money for “the wall” has secretly gone to outfitting the White House with emergency call buttons in all the bathrooms.
Remember when we had presidents that didn’t require talking heads to tell us what he “really” meant only to have him contradict them hours later?
He is so bad for R’s!
Now is the time to figure out how to hold those in contempt responsible.
I have a co-worker who is constantly saying, “utilize” and every time he does, I say, “you mean ‘use’?” It’s been years and he still hasn’t caught on. My boss is constantly asking for “30,000 foot views” because he doesn’t understand the details that make what he’s talking about a bad idea.
George Carlin. Three times, because the realization Donald Trump is president would kill him again the first two.
Had he known how severe the penalties were going to be for missing jury duty, there may not have been a case at all.
I don’t know, it seems like if you’re going to have a severe penalty for not showing up, it’s something that should be covered while being sworn in, no? I mean, “report here tomorrow at 9am or you can go to jail” shouldn’t take too long, right?
As long as it has a wall. He’ll like that.
If he wants to be dictator we should treat him like one: permanent exile on some island somewhere and all his supporters can go with him.
I’ve got an “everybody knows he’s gay but him” friend, too.
Forget the “coverup.” It’s all happening in plain sight.
And if you didn’t, others have done worse.
That said, fuck “Dr.” Oz.