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    To be fair, that’s all LA[1] has ever done about the homeless: make it inconvenient to be homeless right here. People sleeping on benches in the park? Install benches you can’t sleep on. People bathing in public restrooms? Put coin locks on the doors and wonder why they’re shitting in the streets, now. No, the entire

    “We may very well have to do something very, very strong about it.”

    Well, that didn’t take long....

    Oh, goody. Yet more flag humping calls for patriotism and unity from people responsible for dividing the country in the first place.  Shoot me now....

    Well, we know this isn’t the one he gave to the Republican President or it would be torn up.

    “I’m uncomfortable with how your clothing makes me feel, so I’m going to hold you responsible for it.”

    “Ha, ha, ha, they’re your clothes, motherfucker....”

    I may have gotten him confused with Ted Nugent.

    Jimmy Buffett

    Nothing’s going to happen to him unless he’s caught with a dead girl or a live boy.

    Hmm, it’s almost like the children of shitty people become shitty people. Who’d have thunk it?

    Probably good advice. Context matters.  As an old white guy, I’d think twice before trying it myself. Some blowback is bound to happen.

    I rounded up.

    I already play about a dozen different instruments poorly. I’ve got other instruments I want to get bad at before I try banjo.

    She’s using the words “pussy” and “bitch” because she knows Trump is mortally afraid of being associated with anything feminine.

    I’m still waiting for him to call someone a “doody-head”.

    I understood.  No offense taken.

    “Pussy ass bitch” could be taken as misogynistic.

    It absolutely astounds me how much better this administration would be if the Republican President would just shut the fuck up.

    If it sounds like a single Trump supporter came up to Chris Christie in Pennsylvania and said something dumb, and he then extrapolated that into a sweeping generalization into what’ll win the entire state of Pennsylvania—which includes two major cities and metropolitan areas containing millions of people, as well as