Sturgeon’s Law: 90% of everything is crap.
Sturgeon’s Law: 90% of everything is crap.
Satire is dead because those worth satirizing are so fucking crazy that it is impossible to out crazy them.
If Ben and Jerry made a “Politician Flavored” ice cream, it would be Andrew Yang.
This plan has been incredibly popular with people who self-identify as “Redditors” for the obvious reasons
Trump previously touted a straw poll among attendees at the annual CPAC conference back in 2018, which saw the president’s approval at 93 percent among his most hardcore supporters.
Poe’s Law. And, also, it doesn’t matter if it is satire because someone, somewhere, believes it in earnest.
The first question that arises from these tweets, given Trump’s record of lying about everything, is whether such a meeting had even been scheduled.
Q: How long does it take to tune a banjo?
A: Nobody knows.
Whatever it is, I got “under”.
I’ve given up. It’s like Splinter fired their (they’re) editors and rely on the commenters for corrections....
I had to correct a friend on Facebook for using the term “rightard”. I said, “listen, I immediately dismiss anyone who says ‘libtard’ as having nothing to say. Don’t make me do that to you.”
Precisely my point and exactly what the problem is. Thank you for making it for me.
That whooshing noise was the point sailing over your head. You want to run a business? Run a business, but stop acting like you’re doing it for anything but the money.
Anarcho-capitalists love the free market until it works against them.
he has a concern for “creating jobs”
Just because some people can be taken advantage of doesn’t entitle anyone to do it. That being said, these morons deserve it.
For another five dollars you get a book of weather maps to doctor.
I know quite a lot of deadheads and I don’t find that to be true at all. If anything they tend to be the airy-fairy herbal supplement types who, if not completely unracist, are at least bothered by their discomfort being around brown people. Most of the Trump supporters that age I know were in favor of the Viet Nam…
Yes, the people who can change it benefit directly from it. It’s on purpose.
I think it’s time to open up my chain of “Religious Conversion Therapy” clinics....