
I suspect the real function of the driver is to clean up the barf and deter passengers from having sex in the cars.

Woman that was dating 20 men gets mad at man that is dating two. 

Great looking people, sex, drama, the chance to judge others... why wouldn’t it be popular?

Genuine question: why do people watch this show? It perpetuates everything people complain about in relationships and makes idiots famous.

I think I will wait for the next go around when there is a flamin’ hot variation.

But Stinky Pete’s a dickhead anyway. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to keep it in?

i suggest you go read yummsh original comment to see where I’m coming from. As he says, its fine you didn’t like the show but don’t go towing that line and presume that you speak for everyone.

Or maybe just lazy. The fact that the two most-watched shows of 2018 were Big Bang Theory and NCIS speaks volumes.

I know, like 90% of the “mysteries” were explained at some point during the course of the show, but people need things to be explicitly detailed, because people are morons.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, with the goddamn polar bear already. Why is that always the default question when someone brings up all the things they missed on the show and/or didn’t bother looking up? I know this stuff isn’t obvious, but come on. It’s all been readily available online for nearly a decade.

Yes. Because you know in the culture of that school, success and wealth make you a wonderful person.  Integrity and a set of ethics are for the poors, like the sad-assed counselor who had the nerve to question the Alpha People!!!

What a shitty shitty shitty job to be that hs counselor trying to have a shred of integrity in the face of outright privileged injustice.

Here’s the thing - she’s only an “influencer” because she’s rich enough to be one (ie: because her parents have paid for a million different things about her life since she was born, not just getting her in to college). It’s a bullshit argument, because without them, she’s never Olivia Jade to begin with. Yeah,

Apparently the 200-page affidavit for the Varsity Blues case is an amazing read, per the Atlantic article. When the high school counselor confronted one of Aunt Becky’s kids about the crew thing, Aunt Becky and Mr. Aunt Becky ripped the high school counselor a new one. They’re trash.

Interesting story!

There were other problems too, though.

The Swedish once tried to use moose in their cavalry units.

That’s definitely true. Dogs have a gestational period of around 60 days (foxes are similar) and mice have a gestational period of 20 days with a four day estrus cycle.  Female mice can even give birth and then immediately become pregnant again, though litter size varies wildly based on strain.  You are absolutely

Because they live in a jungle valley, terrain unsuited to tank warfare. They’ve already developed more versatile flying/hovering craft and also the whole point of the Border Tribe is that from visual observation they look like a pre-industrial agrarian society, yet must be always ready to repel an invading force.

I think that the difference in litter sizes and gestation periods might make it an inapt comparison? Like, I’m not sure how fast silver foxes breed and how many pups they have, but the more animals you have to select from, the faster you can domesticate.