
“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

I think that you’re confusing the strawman argument that people like her give with ACTUAL cultural appropriation. I have no problem with people wearing the clothing associated with my culture, incorporating our foods, etc. That is not appropriation. Appropriation is when OUR VOICES ARE SILENCED, and their

So here’s the thing: no one was actually asking for diet advice.

I know this is a lost cause and I should not reply to you but for fucks fucking sake what makes you think that I don’t know how to exercise? I was a D1 college athlete I have spent years of my life as a svelte hulk who could run a six minute mile after doing sprint workouts for two straight hours and who ate raw

You can be any shape and work out. My dance class is an amazing array of bodies and ages, from 20-70, and it’s badass and inspiring to be in. I don't have to look like anything in particular to dance my ass off.

The China-Cornell-Oxford Project is the largest scientific study of diet and disease ever, its findings have never been disproven despite billions of lobbying dollars from the food industry, and it predates most of these fads. (At 32 years old it is older than some of the charlatans promoting fad diets, ironically.)

Thanks for the condescending pep talk!

Jeffs and other FLDS leaders are accused of massive food stamp fraud; he was released on house arrest in June and disappeared almost instantly. The places he could be are endless: Mexico, Canada, South America, where the FLDS has compounds.

Hildabeast Clinton and the Vagenda of Manocide is probably my least favourite JK Rowling book.

I read it three times and it is definitely about ethics in gaming journalism.

Um, maybe because fathers are still publishing these masturbatory, self-congratulatory essays in earnest?

When I look at my daughter I don’t see a woman. I see myself.

right? like, curse this contract that obligates me to read every single one!!!!

The short version: “I am now a feminist because I want other men to respect my property.” Yay!

I walk around the pool deck like I own the place.

Please don’t let this rancid garbage fire ruin the pool for you. I’m a real fat girl who swims laps in public. I do it for me. I walk around the pool deck like I own the place. Swimming is my favorite form of exercise and I love it too much to let people ruin it for me. And you know what? No one has ever given me a

I’m right there with you. I am trying so hard to get myself fit and healthy before I hit the big 5-0. Going to the community rec center has been a challenge as it is. The idea that someone might be judging me, mocking me, as I work out or shower after is making me want to never put myself out there again.