
Granola? With coconut and cranberry pieces perhaps?

I honestly thought “Childish Gambino” was a name you just made up. (I’m old and not cool.) Also, I can’t look away from his belly button; it’s stealing the show.

Un-fucking-believable! I had to re-read some of those to be sure I was comprehending correctly.

You cannot be a person who says these things and at the same time respects women as equals. Women are accessories.

Filed to #corrections: it’s “Delage”, but later in the piece you refer to her as “Delgade”. I can’t believe I submitted a correction for a fake internet person’s fictitious name, but I guess I did. I’ve clearly reached some nadir.

This is a story of which I was utterly unaware. I am fascinated and will definitely watch the movie.

Winnie better never ever ever reply to any email or it’s going to be put up all over Twitter by her sucky roommates out for revenge. I feel for Winnie. She’s the only sane one and she’s in for a world of crazy.

When I was 8 months pregnant, and finally once got a seat, I was the ONLY PERSON who got up to offer an elderly woman with a cane a seat on the fucking train. I was so livid. What a bunch of assholes.

I’m a runner, too, and all my gear is black, black, black! So easy to match! Except for the shoes...they’re all so flashy these days.

I’m a person who works out regularly but I also embrace the athleisure wear when I get home from work because it is just so much more comfortable than my stuffy professional attire.

I won’t assume that people who wear athleisure don’t work out, I just don’t assume they do.

He was really good at sports!

Best. Headline. Ever.

I know, right?? And even then, if their eye colour is different than mine, I just can’t...

Oh man. I’m embarrassed by how much of that I had to read before I realized it was a take down. Waaayyy too close to the real thing, except for the fact that A Man actually expressly admits his *feminism only flows to one person.

Wait...what? Have we of the greys all been ungreyed??

I would have loved to have made a comment that was both insightful and funny that I could have been ungreyed on merit, but alas, I only comment when I’m at work and work sucks the insight and humour from me.

This post really went a long way to offset the blues I have about shuttering Probably 50% of the way. At least 45%.

His problem is at least in part that his “blind” litmus test for what’s funny is himself, a well-off heterosexual white man.

Wait! We have cronies??? Where are all my feminist cronies?
Do you automatically get assigned a crony when your feminist card is issued?

Oh maybe we are reading from different parts of the article, because where I was reading said this:

She didn’t say ALL thyroid disorders, just “a host of” thyroid disorders come under this category of diseases people claim to have, but which are not recognized. I have Hashimoto’s. Both it and Graves (and many others) are recognized as real conditions by evidence-based medicine.