
Would he ever suggest the same to a man who didn’t pay his child support and was caught committing another crime? If he wouldn’t he needs to step away from the bench.

I wonder if he’s ever suggested a man with a history of addiction and bouncing checks go get snipped? Fascinating how people like this always target the women - and only the women. No mention of the father/fathers.

I’d be on your side if he wasn’t wearing a pin that said “Time’s Up”. Don’t wear a pin supporting a cause if you don’t even know what that cause is. And expect to be asked about it.

My mom and my sponsor are solid, my cats are assholes in a way only I understand, and I’m going to believe in Barack, Michelle, and Mr. Rogers regardless.

The pervasive assumption that we weren’t talking to victims who preferred to stay anonymous and doing the legwork behind the scenes while the above piece details all of the women Anna had been communicating with is very strange, but also not surprising.

I can absolutely understand the issues many commenters had with Jezebel’s approach. It really isn’t how the whole well-worn, ‘put the work in and then publish’ style of journalism goes, and for good reason. Yellow journalism remains a scourge on society. So people leery of Jez possibly falling to that were justified

Thank you for the post. Jezebel pursued an open secret story inside of an industry that’s incredibly male dominated and where misogynist views (women aren’t and can’t be funny) still exist. The nature of CK’s comedy added icky complexity to the endeavor. Strong CK defenders (outside the comedy world) are to CK what

It seems to me that you handled things very well, with Jen Kirkman. It’s unfortunate, if I had to guess, I’d say I think she was just frazzled by how much scrutiny she got, and lashed out at you guys. But you all did your job. This shit’s tough!

All In The Family, or “Archie Bunker” as Tim Allen calls it (he may be thinking of the spinoff, “Archie Bunker’s Place”) was a cultural force because of Norman Lear and how it held a stark light up to outdated bigoted sentiment in the face of the cultural revolution of the late Sixties and Seventies.

Story time.

I agree with everything you said, but also wanted to add that I feel like there’s no need for her and her party’s anti-choice views to be given any favorable or even sympathetic coverage in this profile: Yes, if he did ask her to terminate the pregnancy the way that he is alleged to have then that’s just incredibly

Oh please with your “not all men” bullshit. Chris Brown is a scumbag who beat the shit out of Rihanna, and is apparently still not leaving her alone. And don’t backtrack on your original comment, you said “why do you feel the need to take EVERY OPPORTUNITY to bash men in general?” I’d like to see all the dozens of

I will never go to a restaurant again without asking myself “Is this a good place to bring a doll?”

Nah I’d take a photo of every cheque they send to pay off the $1 million and then when the book is filled with those images send it off as a personal reminder.

“We are hoping that our story makes the news and completely ruins her business,” Neely Moldovan wrote to someone the same day, according to court records.

Over $125???? Nightmare people, calm thy tits. Read thy original contract. Get thee to a nap.

Receipts keep piling up! Hollywood’s bullshit excuse for whitewashing everything is looking more and more ridiculous every day and I LOVE it.

So who’s going to tell her about the election?

I was mad reading that because he was so on the verge of being right with his overall points, but he was so WRONG in the practical examples he gave. I’ve lived in both worlds, of the stereotypical lower class rural person and the stereotypical educated urbanite, and I can tell you that what poor or uneducated people

This whole story was so blatantly ridiculous that I was surprised it wasn’t an email forward from my mother