
You’re a moron, Teddy. Videotaping your child in TEARS after a bullying incident to DOCUMENT how distressed they were is not ‘manipulating a child for self-gain.’ Hope you are sterile!

Black supremacists are bullies. ALL supremacists are bullies. The article demeans and insults a child, then they don’t do the decent thing and TAKE IT DOWN after getting egg all over their faces due to a FAKE Instagram account. Shameful.

This should NOT have happened...very unprofessional on the cop’s part. I can imagine it would be exciting to meet a musical legend and one you admire, but pulling them over is NOT a cool way to go about it!

...And I’m sure being a ‘Sacred Cow’ that can never be mocked or joked about will stop that. Um...NO. Trans are indeed freaks of nature and despite what they try to convince you, they have NEVER been ‘accepted’ by any culture in history. Not ‘2-spirit’ and not the ones in India, who are FEARED for being able to

I LOVE all her 80's and 90's hits. But...I read that she was very cruel to Luther Vandross at some point. Considering that he died young and she is still here, kinda makes her less likable.

What’s the degree IN, though? That is what really matters. Women’s Studies or another bullshit degree won’t get her that far.

People who are trying to DOCUMENT how upset their child is from bullying, if a middle school boy is CRYING then it’s pretty bad. At that age, they try very hard NOT to cry over being bullied.

RIIIIGHT. So this kid, who has a clearly visible deformity and scar due to having a TUMOR on his face when he was a baby, is an ‘asshole’ because he got bullied. Make sense.

Wow. You truly ARE a moron. Travyon Martin was ‘murdered by police’? DEE DEE DEE! Get a fucking CLUE you ignorant swine!

SPECULATION. Always a good thing to make judgments by. You bimbo.

Stupid comment of the year award. If your child had repeatedly come to you complaining about bullying YES you would likely video tape a young boy in TEARS over how badly he was bullied that day. It’s called EVIDENCE and a record that you will show to the police and/or the principal of the school as needed. Fucktard.

You don’t sound like a parent. You sound like a judgmental moronic Millenial LeftTard brainwashed Cultural Marxist pabulum puking Pinko.

Why do you worry about what the Duggars do? Mind your own business. Pretty sure you have your own messes to clean up.

Prove it’s a ‘hustle.’

No, people don’t ‘need to vet.’ If you give to someone with a heart of kindness, the goodness of your action doesn’t get negated. it is our INTENTIONS that matter. You are a fool to think that money makes people happy, anyway. You are all such GroupThinkers.

Um, no, it wasn’t ‘his mind, yo.’ It was you promoting eugenics you moronic hateful elitist pig.

Cute. Promoting Eugenics and racist stereotypes about poor people being inbred. Ironically, it is royalty who is often inbred, along with Muslims, who practice First Cousin Marriage in many countries and cultures. You are really a cretin.

Gee. What a hollow victory. You take glee in the fact that this woman was a creep to you when she was a kid and now she’s a meth head with a record who is poor. No double standards here. Compassion and tolerance for YOU...but this woman, who clearly was severely troubled, you know nothing about her childhood or

You hope a CHILD ‘learns a lesson’ because his MOTHER may or may not have done something? SICK FUCK

She was already below his level. She is hateful racist pig attacking a CHILD by proxy. Sick bitch.