
Well said, SuperFresh!

1) Few or no blacks donated to this

You disgusting pig. The child had a tumor and had to go through surgery. You are perfectly vile, mocking the appearance of a child. I can’t wait til you get what you so richly deserve!

Oy vey. So funny! Don’t forget six GORILLION died in the Hall of Cost. You must always remember that, Schvartzes!

Good Goy. Fucking self-hating weakling moron.

You are a sick and hateful person.

Wow, what kind of sick person takes pleasure in a public melee with people being injured and even severely harmed, and some one makes a home made flame thrower? Only a MONSTER would laugh at something like that. Sick, sad freaks. Liberalism IS a mental disorder!

You are doing nothing more than speculating and gossiping, Husky Bro and you’re full of shit.

Nah probably more like the Red Lobster where the waitress FAKED a zero tip and note about her being Lesbian...when she isn’t and it was just for media attention from you Leftist SUCKERS

Yes, you ARE a shitty a person!

PROOF? Absurd speculation and hateful THOUGHTCRIME policing.

Sickos speculating and gossiping to harm a CHILD. Children are innocent you sickos!

What if the child did NOT say anything ‘racist’ and is mortified by his mother? Then what? LOTS OF SPECULATION, no evidence of the child’s conduct at all. He was in tears. Kids who start shit with others don’t cry if they get bullied back...asshole.

Speculation by WHO, Mimie Rose? The insane writer of this Yellow Journalism?

Money could pay for therapy, which is often not covered by insurance or comes with a significant co-pay, sometimes $60 per session or even much more, if the person doesn’t take insurance and charges the standard $250 an hour. Fuck outta here hating on a CHILD you nasty bullies!

Lame. Such a should be a boxer. Fuck you for attacking a CHILD as ‘guilty by association,’ as if he has any choice in the matter. Thanks for proving what SCUM Lefists are. You don’t want Equality. You want domination.

Because principals ALWAYS tell the truth and never try to minimize bullying at their schools, even to the point that a child COMMITS SUICIDE. You are disgusting Antifa SCUM projecting your hate onto a KID.

Anoos you are pure garbage and should not exist. A child has NO CHOICE in ‘associating’ with his mother. Sorry the rest of the world does not buy into your ThoughCrime and Guilty By Association rubbish. Racism is obviously directed TOWARDS White people as this author is a hateful pig.

No one accused this BULLY of being smart. Why use this child’s bullying to piggyback off of and go on a rant about a RELATIVE? He is a CHILD and innocent!

What kind of a foul pig tries to distract from the issue of bullying by pulling a Mao’s Red Guard and trying to deflect the spotlight from the child to an adult relative, WHOM HE CANNOT CONTROL, BEING THAT HE IS A CHILD? You are repulsive in every way.