
This is the thing. Like, mind your own business. Why do people feel like they have to be the social minders or the watch. It’s bullshit. 

Yeah, there was zero fear there.

So she saw someone NOT WHITE and assumed the house wasn't his.

What cracks me up about her interference the most is that it’s just chalk! Even if it weren’t his property, it would’ve washed away with 20 seconds of a garden hose. I hope she thinks it's worth it.  

Hun, she didn’t wrongly think she knew the owners. She was consciously lying as a flex to put a person of color in his place, never dreaming for a minute that she was speaking to the owner himself. 

Yeah, my nerdy, middle-aged ass has a serious crush on that dude, on so very many levels.

Wow. I had never seen that Alexander video. It’s not even the accosting and the assumption that he doesn’t live there (which are awful), but the way she’s explaining to him how basic things like property ownership and protest work. This is exactly the way I talk to my three year-old when he wants to know why he can’t

Then when we’re dead, we’re so amazing, wholesome, maternal, feminine, doting, generous, soft, obiedient, and kind. We’re a blank canvass for whatever anyone wants!

I’ve posted before about this, but my dad was a cop. And white. He was an honest cop and refused to lie for other cops and cover for them. He was respected in the community because he saw people as people. He could get offenders to get in the front seat while he drove them to the station to be booked. If he had to

Remember when NYC cops went on strike and crime rates went down?

No. Break THIS union.

Break the unions. When they can’t impose what amounts to immunity for misconduct, things will improve.

Once again note how Lard Gut didn’t actually “do” anything. Laughably cheesy photo-ops, then a bunch of “hard guy” bluster about “troops” and violence, all of it 100% toothless. Waddles sees this all as a referendum on him, thus everyone participating on any level is now his sworn enemy and bitter rival, forevermore.

That man is such a unique blend of ineptitude, vanity, and utter stupidity. I’d laugh at that clip if said blend wasn’t so fucking hopeless and dangerous.

I agree with the gist of your argument and I agree that the rush to indict via the press is not great. I wish the press had done a better job at vetting Tara Reade and had presented her full past and then allowed the public to make up their minds. I think she’s troubled and I don’t believe her story. The woman in this

It’s so maddening because 99% of women do not lie about these things. Then one dumb shit white woman goes on camera lying about these things and suddenly every WOC who comes forward with her #MeToo story is suspect.

It’s a shorthand that we use because the more accurate statement “afford a woman reporting an assault the same benefit of the doubt you’d afford a white man reporting a stickup” is longer and less catchy as a marketing slogan.

A protection agency? Like for white people?

Look, we get it. You don’t like Biden. You didn’t want him to be the nominee. I don’t like him either. I certainly didn’t vote for him in my primary. But it’s him or Trump at this point. He’s not going to drop out and magically give Bernie or Warren the nomination. He’s what we’re stuck with. Is there any chance of us

Coming of age in the White House and trying to be normal even though privacy doesn’t exist the way it does for your peers oh and your dad is the first black president? I don’t know, seems like there could be some good stuff in there.