Don’t forget shouting “Blue Lives Matter”!.... unless that pig want to stop me from committing a crime.
Don’t forget shouting “Blue Lives Matter”!.... unless that pig want to stop me from committing a crime.
True, you love a thing if you dont know it.
Calling a persons hair nappy was always derogatory; especially from other black people; its self hating when we do it to each other. Noah (and Imus for that matter) probably heard the phrase in tv shows, comedy acts, casual conversation with black people... its like saying “I have the “itis” or in the “old days”…
What we need to do is destroy right wing media, that propaganda machine. Right wing hate media, is all 40% of this country consumes and it is strangling our Democracy and endangering the world. White supremacy is a DISEASE that will ultimately kill us all; its infection is enhanced and distributed through right wing…
Yeah, but its not a doctor specialized in infectious diseases. Also, you are a quack, violating your oath of do they harm, if you are willing to lie for your patient, a patient in charge of the care and well being of the nation on the exact same disease (of course, my definition).
In 2016 Trump was running against an equally unpopular candidate; he won with 49% of electorate staying home and by only 70,000 votes; unpolpular Hilary had 3m more. Uncle Joe Biden does not have over 35 years of oppo research, propoganda and a vast right conspiracy against him. So, President Lack of Imagination is…
How would you had handled it, now, in hindsight? I am not being condescending, I genuine would like to know. I’m an attorney, I love a debate and quick with a comeback... but I honestly don’t know how I would have handled the debate.
Yeah. Bless their rascist, cruel, ignorant hearts.
Not worried. If Trump is starting their smear campaign 2 months from election, it wont work. The Republicans engineered 35 years (give or take) of propaganda on Hilary. And, throw in left and right media loathing of everything Hilary; it was easy for Trump to slap his name on it and take credit for something that some …
Jesus. Britney was allowed anonymity? What a crock of shite! Kanye might be bipolar now but he’s always been an attention whore. Plus, the male privilege of it all. If say, Britney, had the “genius” of Kanye and she raved and ranted like he had over years... who the f@#k would take her run for president seriously?!…
So sorry, people shouldn’t be hurt for being decent. Its sad that empathy is such a dirty word in this country. We also need to protest so decent people wont be punished for doing the right thing, but ultimately we need to change American culture that rewards, the assholes, liars, cheats and the hardhearted rage a-holi…
Her was moved into the white house when the girls were in elementary school. Who do you trust more than family.... at least good loyal family.
I read further down the line. STOP.THE DEFEATIST ATTITUDE. Its not bigotry that will sink US; its the complacency and apathy of the electorate. Statistically he cannot win. Point., whether it was her fault or not, Hilary was an unpopular figure and got 26%, Trump got the same percentage, with a FEW more voters…
I agree. I’m 54 from NYC, and I grew up with hispanic people freely using the word. Dude, Hip hop an art form started by black AND hispanic people in NYC, make liberal use of the word all the time, so I’ll give that a pass (see Gina Rodriguez)...BUT rhe racist jokes, the demeaning treatment etc., the lack of respect…
Mayor Ghouliani has always been a fraud: he was credited with the lowering of crime rates in NY.. but that was due a combination of a plan drafted and put into action by Mayor Dinkins, his Commissioner, Commissioner Bratton and the Clinton administration... Mayor Racist at least kept in place a good plan BUT allowed…
I for one do not believe he will be reelected to the Presidency of these United States... with the caveat that if he is still President after 11/6/20... there won't be a US.
I do not believe that Bernie would ever condone any of this... BUT, this is my decidedly personal assessment/opinion, I noticed in that in the 2016 campaign a lot of Bernie’s supporters, those on sub-reddit, gamers, self styled Bernie bros. were also Trump supporters. Also, Brietbart encourage white nationalism with…
I was going to answer your question, but I realized its just stupid.
When are people going to make Republicans pay for THERE immorality. I understand the are the only ones who care, so there are trashed for not moving fast enough, buy they are moving! Lets pour our poison on the do nothing, vicious, immoral Republicans!
Newsmax? Really!?