
My guess: the agent is a Trump loyalist, and making a mess at Obummer’s house will be his go-to story for years to come.

a Secret Service supervisor from the Trump/Kushner detail left an unpleasant mess in the Obama bathroom”

Just look for the (R) for racist by their name, that’ll get you damn close.

They can’t even contain their whinyness over losing Twitter followers. Meanwhile, she knows there’s millions of white-supremacist wingnuts who’d love to murder her and she’s not letting a room with many of their enablers stop her from speaking truth to power. That’s why they’re booing: they know how much her tenacity

Cori Bush needs protection! She, AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Pressley, etc., are calling out white supremacy in government and the wingnuts who support the neo-confederate ideologies, super-Tea Party ideology, are going to come after her.  “Moderate” Democrats, step your game up and stop being wimpy in the face of this

White supremacy bad.  BOOO!  Really, you cannot even keep your mouth shut through what is such an obvious statement.  Seriously it is like not booing puppies.  Even moronic KKK members know to wear a god damn hood to hide their face.  It would have been so easy to sit there and pretend not to be a white supremist and

It’s funny how they’re pro-life until they’re beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher. 

can we put her in jail too? just do a clean-sweep of every asshole who was there on wednesday?

This person is the perfect example of modern American conservatism. She’s a liar. Nothing she said is based in fact. Does she believe her own lies? Maybe. Maybe she is that delusional. It’s all still a lie. And this is where we are now. The right will say absolutely any bullshit to further their fascist worldview. All

It’s unfortunate that the media has portrayed a peaceful event as something that it wasn’t

They liked it just fucking fine when it was BLM protesting.

By the way, if I am correct on who that is, the story behind the lone Black officer feeling the mob is actually even more striking than just that scene.

Jeh Johnson said this morning on Morning Joe that a lot of the police who were outnumbered and let the rioters/terrorists in, did so out of their own safety. Their training is don’t try to take on an angry mob by yourself.

Our “greatest patriots” kinda look like a bunch of nut jobs, huh...

They learned from that. Shooting at white people looks bad.

It is seriously the best thing I’ve read in a long time and it explains Trump in a nutshell. Massive but fragile ego, the chip on his shoulder about being trashy new money that will never be accepted by the actual East Coast elite, the fact that he has millions of followers but that’s not enough because they mostly

Every last one of these traitors should be gunned down.

I think we can safely assume there will be zero consequences for any of this.

Every last one of you fuckers can burn in hell.

“Don’t start acting like the other side, huh?  SMH