You imagine?? From an article in the WA Post:
You imagine?? From an article in the WA Post:
That along with taking care of her 5 year old husband is probably a handful.
So how does that work if your mail-order wife dies in a pandemic? Is that covered under warranty, or what?
This guy’s a piece of shit, but it’s no reason for everyone to start collectively shitting on French culture like it’s their specific problem - as it’s happening in the comments. What about all the English and American rockstars fucking and raping underage girls in the 70s? What about what Nicholson, Spacey, Singer…
“At the time, people talked of inciting a minor to debauchery, or indecent assault...But nobody ever spoke of crime,”
Obviously the jokes are awful, but as someone nearing 40 I think it’s important for people to realize (and learn from) how mainstream these sorts of jokes were not that long ago. I remember being a kid well after this special and in second grade kids played tag saying “tag, now you have AIDS.” There was a true…
Yeah, it was big news at the time...
So if she was a teen and just didn’t understand it, why did she find the fried chicken/basketball so damn funny? All humor comes from somewhere, doesn’t it?
Her apology stinks. She got caught and now blames it on being an uninformed edgy teenager. Most folks know by 15 the horrible weight what word carries.
I was born in 1972 and when I was around 7 my grandmother called a black playmate of mine the N-word and I flipped the fuck out. So if my Texan ass knew in 1979 that using that word was wrong, Cabello has no fucking excuse.
It doesn’t surprise me that a white Cuban is racist. Colorism and racism is STRONG in Latin culture. I hope this tanks her career. She is so undeserving of what she has and it would not surprise me if the Latino community (which I am a part of) forgives her. As someone on twitter said, non-Black people should not be…
Yes, Cabello was a teenager, but it’s hard to believe that she didn’t know better.
It’s also kind of rich Saikat Chakrabarti kicked Uygur out of Justice Democrats claiming they believe in women’s and minorities issues. He’s the douchebag that went after Sharice Davids, a Native American woman and said she was a white supremacist enabler while he was AOC’s chief of staff. So he can eat a bag of…
Where did I say it shouldn’t? I stated that I don’t give a fuck what the GOP says about any candidates. And I don’t.
Which would be hilarious considering everything Trump has done. I don’t really give a shit what the GOP says about any of the candidates. Why would I?
I promise you that her WH staff does not have an easy time. Even if they don’t have as much to do as other staffers, there is nothing about Melania that strikes me as being “good to the help.”
I’ve said this for years; hell, back during Bill Clinton’s first campaign they played up the “two for one” aspect, in that by electing him they got twice the brains and ambition for the cost of one vote (!); resulting, as you said, in Hillary having to don headbands and bake fucking cookies. The FLOTUS position is…
“Her preferred style is more minimalist, white, sparse, and slightly modern.”
I came here just to say that I do not believe that she speaks all the languages she says she does. Look for footage of Melanie having a conversation in French or Italian, even when she is in countries where those languages are spoken, and she never gets past hello. It is just another lie that no one has time to…