I’m not being cheeky I’m very serious why has Gawker Media not authorized you to purchase memberships to each website?!
I’m not being cheeky I’m very serious why has Gawker Media not authorized you to purchase memberships to each website?!
your concluding that fragment with a period contributed a lot, I think
(I need to tell you that for reasons I don’t totally understand I’m doubled over in hysterics [no etymology jokes plz] over here because this shit is HILarious)
nah still gold
“Ashley Todd, a volunteer for Republican John McCain’s campaign for US president, feigned a mugging by a six-foot-four black supporter of Barack Obama, even going so far as to cut the letter B into her own cheek. (The fact that the B was backwards, because she’d carved it while looking in a mirror, was the first clue…
aaaaaahhahahahahahah lolling super hard into my cocoa pops
mother. fucker.
which one?
get Twitter the gang’s all there
hip flexors < sexual appetite = frowny face
a monsoon of laugh-tears
this has absolutely positively definitely not happened to me, but I really really sympathize
*wheezes* this has to win *collapses from inability to even* it has to win
I was hooking up with this guy once who was pretty all over the place emotionally but preternaturally gifted at sex-things (isn’t that always how it is.). No real dramatic story, but he gave me head with such remarkable skill that I came so hard that I chipped my left front tooth on his headboard. My head snapped…
I went to hippie kindergarten and we called our teachers by their first names. I then went to normal elementary school where it became clear that most adults found this egregiously rude.
damnit c’mon guys I’m eating cocoa pops