
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck

LINK to haunted balloon story?!

Tampons. They’re tampons.

“sadly” lololol

Isn’t she a little old for him?

Blind items are saying Hillary Duff refused to work with the actress that plays Miranda and effectively blocked her from the project

I have moved to Los Angeles from a Cold Place for this reason. I then moved from LA to NY years ago, and do not own a proper winter coat to this day. Weirdly, I don’t find I need one? I’m only in the cold for a few minutes at a time - the subway is overheated, my office is overheated, my apartment is overheated, all

here’s hoping exactly the opposite!

I was married to myself but there was an acrimonious divorce.

The clear option was to leverage his current position to get a comparable job at a different company so that he could work/be powerful (?) and also get that sweet inheritance. Greg! You tall, tall fool

and somehow this isn’t even peak Florida

my comment is one sentence.

Wow I have a deep hatred for this

He’ll look like a tan Alan Rickman by 40 one hundo p

My third love was much better than my first love tbh (EY-O!), this is not a beneficial sticking point for VS

I still would?

not the point but Kyle’s skin looks amazing

totally agree, but I could also understand a presidential candidate being worried that being black and gay may hurt his chances

Honestly, I follow a blind items blog and it’s right a shocking percentage of the time and it’s been insisting for months that he’s gay and has an arrangement with to be in a relationship. I buy it, but I also get that “I read it in a corner of the internet” is not exactly a smoking gun