truffle-shuffle BACK FROM THE DEAD

every single day

I have a crush on him too, even though he’s such a bro guy. It really is weird.

I've had beard burn ALL over no need to be embarrassed it just means a hot dude with a beard was ALL OVER YOU

I literally just texted my two friends to say that sometimes I think Paul Ryan is hot, and then I go into a shame spiral.

This is definitely true, I really like beards. I’ve seen a picture of my boyfriend without one and had he not grown his out i don’t know if we would be together. I think he looks so much more attractive with one.


Like, I grew a beard, and my now-long-term GF, who I’d known for several years at that point, began hitting on me pretty damn soon after that.

*posts this article to Facebook

#Wow #Inspiring

Hereth it Endeth.

So she invited a 17 year old over to her house, alone...interesting.


It can be both. The Planned Parenthood shooter was a terrorist, and many places/publications (including Jezebel) were right to call it such. There are idiots who still don’t believe that white Christians are capable of terrorist acts, and those people are worth shutting down.

Why can’t it be both? Wasn’t the Planned Parenthood shooter domestic terrorism? Whether it’s committed by foreigners or citizens, if you’re instilling terror on people by killing and injuring large amounts of them, then isn’t that terrorism?

I’m glad the landlord adhered to the 24 hour notice policy in the lease before showing the apartment.

Holy crap Anna. What a long piece and still Yoffe is more factual and probably right on this than you are. And of course more concise. Yeesh. Jesus. If you have a point or fact make it quickly.

It’s almost like they’re not mutually exclusive!

It’s no wonder people have to warp the facts when they have a neat little narrative that they’re trying to fit them into.

I believe that there is a way to make this massive, complicated problem slightly less so: Completely de-involve the schools. This should be an issue strictly for the justice system, and the only involvement that colleges should have is a support system for the alleged victims and trained staff that students could