truffle-shuffle BACK FROM THE DEAD

I feel like the first sentence answers the second.

Josh Hartnett’s late-’90s hair was ... somethin’, wasn’t it?

Has Chris Klein or Josh Hartnett seen her lately?

I do not believe that Monica Lewinsky ever claimed to have been raped nor did she say that it was nonconsensual sex.

Your comment made sense until you said “he sexually assaults women for a living”. What the fuck are you talking about? Is porn a sex slavery business nowadays? Go fucking kill yourself.

“Male dom/female sub BDSM mirrors and enforces the already existing misogyny and damaging gender norms of our society”

No, it doesn’t. It appears to on a VERY superficial level. However, if you talk to people in the lifestyle, you find a very sharp divide between people who essentialize that relationship, those who

The chart was derived from cases that were prosecuted even though it is an estimation at bet. But your anger concerns me because I get the feeling you are suddenly going to start hulking out into an insufferable MRA.

He “sexually assaults women for a living”? Can you show us where that has been the case? The women performing with him have done so consensually.

Hey now, it seems we do have an agreement

Agreed. While my automatic response is to believe and defend her, casually tweeting a felony accusation with no evidence (or even basic when/where details) and letting everyone come to their own conclusions based solely on preconceived notions of sex, rape, and porn doesn’t inspire any sense of justice in me.

I did not rape Stoya.

lol no they wouldn’t you clown.

Yeah, I’m uncomfortable with the argument that it’s our responsibility as bystanders to believe her right off the bat. No, it’s our responsibility to react in a way that doesn’t make her regret coming forward and doesn’t deter other victims from doing the same. If people choose to believe her that’s absolutely fine,

I watch porn and some of it is violent. It’s important to me to support companies that are proactive in showing negotiation and aftercare. But I also trust sex workers. I know a lot of them and I trust them to advocate for themselves, whether that is behind the scenes or depicted. I support rights and protections for

What would be corroborating evidence? It often doesn’t exist in rape cases. When it comes to people who work in porn I can see why she wouldn’t have gone to the police, since that appears to be the case. Law enforcement does not have a good track record in rape cases in general. He was her boyfriend when the rape is

It’s a statement that his lawyer composed. But beyond that? Nothing. It’s a statement. That’s it. Does a careful reading of it give you or anyone else sight of the truth? Nope. It doesn’t matter how smart or perceptive you are. You could read her tweets a million times over and his tweets a million times over and you

I never know what to do with these kinds of cases. I am a survivor of rape, and deeply believe in showing support and compassion to victims, but at the same time I am deeply uncomfortable with the idea that a person’s personal and professional life can and should be ruined based on two tweets, with absolutely no

How does what I do in bed normalize anything?

I’m not, actually. I am discussing that I have a fantasy, and explaining why I think people who shame or stigmatize this fantasy are wrong. (Not a fetish, by the way, those are object based) I’m not sitting here leisurely talking details about my sexual interests. And a person who has no knowledge of something, who

Normalizing sexual violence happens on TV every day. It IS fucked up. What I do in my own bedroom is not that. And yeah, in my bedroom I'm prioritizing my orgasms. Because that's what sex is for for me - MY pleasure. And unless you're my sexual partner, you don't have any skin in this game.