truffle-shuffle BACK FROM THE DEAD

I know. Public adoptions take forever. But even private domestic adoptions can take a long time. Either way, I think it’s creepy when people judge where and how people choose to adopt (unless they’re doing it illegally or something) and I really don’t agree with the implication that people who adopt domestically

Hahaha that was amazing. People need to stop taking every internet comment so godamn personally and think that it somehow applies to them and their situation.

Why would you give her the side eye for adopting from China?

Do you know how hard it is to adopt from the US? Especially if you want a baby or younger child. Not everyone wants to wait 5-10 years to maybe be given a child. And you’re right, there are way too many children in foster care. But they’re not up for adoption either because child welfare and the courts are very

I don’t think it’s as simple as “they want them in the cute baby stage”. For a lot of people, adoption is the last resort, after years of trying for kids and sometimes after many rounds of unsuccessful fertility treatments. Can you blame them for wanting a baby so that if they can’t have a bio kid, they can get a kid

How so?

Is it transphobic to only be attracted to cis-gendered members of the sex you’re into? I’m straight, and I’d probably have a hard time being with a guy if he had a vagina instead of a penis. Or at the very least I’d like to know beforehand so that I can make an informed decision. I’ve never been in that situation so I

Is Jezebel contractually obligated to write about Kylie Jenner at least twice a day? Because this is the second Kylie article in a day. And there wasn’t anything interesting in the first one either.

Because communism worked so well, right?

But it’s human nature to put your children and their needs first and to help them out and leave them whatever you have at the end of your life. That’s the way it is in pretty much every culture around the world and it’s naive to think that’s going to change. It might not be fair but I don’t agree with you saying it’s

You know what else is classic? Internet SJWs who don’t just want people to acknowledge their privilege and be grateful for it, they want them to self-flagellate and spend a lifetime apologising for it, and will insult anyone who doesn’t.

I’m sorry, do you have access to her and her parents’ financial statements to be in a place where you can tell people exactly what income bracket they’re in? Maybe if you were a little less ignorant, you’d know that it depends where you live. In a lot of places, it makes more sense to buy than to rent and also,

What kind of answer did you want? She acknowledges that she was given a lot of privileges by her parents. She doesn’t take it for granted and hopes to one day do the same for her kids. What more is there to say? The article makes a sweeping generalization by saying that these kids don’t count the informal help they

How do you know she isn’t?

Of course she’s gotten butt injections, just not as many as her sister.

Who poses with pill bottles?

I don’t know which is grosser and more fake looking, Kylie’s lips or Kim’s ass?

You’re the one who used the word hysteria. By definition, hysterics are people who don’t use their heads. The problem isn’t the words “rape fantasies", it’s the hysteria.

No one’s mad.

I lived in a very traditional, Catholic country for 3 years for work. I would meet older couples where the husband was clearly gay and I was constantly wondering if I was the only person in the room with a gaydar. And I usually was. I had two really close friends who were openly gay (a rarity, especially in their