There really is nothing more to it than that.
There really is nothing more to it than that.
I like rape fantasies though. Like many other women. I have a lot of kinky fantasies. Not necessarily to play out, because role play tends to make me giggle which kind of kills the mood but the point is I get the fantasy and I get the turn on but to me there is a very clear separation between fantasy and stuff I do…
Then stop engaging in discussions you can't have in good faith, and stopinsulting people and then getting all defensive like anyone here has been rude or disrespectful to you. Unlike you, calling people gross for what they do in private and among consenting adults which you’ve attempted to pathologize and compare to…
No, I’m demonstrating the ridiculousness of the logic behind her argument.
So you think people with rape fantasies are mentally unhealthy? I mean, you say you wouldn’t tell someone with trichotilomania to pull out all their hair (which is what trichitilomania means) which, again, leads me to the conclusion that you think rape fantasies and real rape are the same thing. They most definitely…
Then the same would apply to BDSM, right? Physical violence causes harm, and feeling arousal from giving or receiving physical violence would imply that person is more likely to be violent in real life, according to your logic, no?
Sorry but I can’t get on board with that. It’s the same logic fundie homophobes use to justify their anti-gay discrimination. They say the same thing. They love gay people, just not everything that makes them gay. You know, that tired, hypocritical “love the sinner, hate the sin” crap?
Watching a real rape or a simulated rape? There is a difference. If you don’t see that difference you’re essentially saying that simulated rape as real rape are the same thing.
I think you’re not understanding me. You’re free to feel the way you feel, especially given your experience. But again, there’s a difference between finding it repugnant but not judging others who find it a turn on and not accusing people who engage in that of promoting or defending actual rape, and judging others for…
Then apologies if my comment came across as snappy. There are lots of kinks I don’t get either. Live and let live. Or fuck and let fuck, in this case ;)
I know, I think she's hilarious. But would it kill her to wash her hair?
I’m more than fine with you not wanting anything to do with it. But there’s a difference between not wanting anything to do with things you don’t like, and judging others for having kinks that you don’t share, or for engaging in sex acts among consenting adults that you don’t like.
Are you sure it’s just men who get off on that? Lots of women do too, you know. I also know several women who are into getting slapped /hit during sex.
It’s not kiddie porn if the actors are all adults.
It’s weird, it’s almost like I can tell the difference between a rape fantasy and real rape!
Because women don’t watch hardcore porn, or simulated rape porn right?
That’s bullshit. That's like saying that women shouldn't have abortions because there are women out there who can't conceive and women who get abortions are making selfish choices that impact all women.
No, that’s not what makes you sex negative. Everyone is free to have the sex they want to have and watch the porn they want to watch, just don't shake others about their likes and dislikes. It's not that hard.
No one is asking you to relate. But you can not relate and still not judge others for their kinks. There are a lot of kinks out there I think are gross and a lot of porn that I find really off-putting and upsetting. But yet there are people who are turned on by that. So I just don't watch it and don't engage in kinks…