I like how on my Wii U if there's an update to download, I have a Start Software option so that I can get right to playing. The day one Smash Bros. update was downloading in the background while I was having a good ol' time beating up CPUs as Sonic.
I like how on my Wii U if there's an update to download, I have a Start Software option so that I can get right to playing. The day one Smash Bros. update was downloading in the background while I was having a good ol' time beating up CPUs as Sonic.
apparently, Toads are now gender less.
I think Miyamoto said the Goomba were supposed to be chestnuts... Idk. I don't have a source ATM.
I think I saw somewhere Rayman Legends would be 14.99 (can't remember where). On the one hand, it's an awesome a colorful platformer that takes advantage of the gamepad. On the other hand... Ubisoft.
The Dragon Driftway course kinda reminds me of Sonic Unleashed's Dragon Road; what with going through a dragon's open mouth. TIME TO BOOT UP THE UNLEASHED PROJECT. Wait, there's DLC to be played...CONFLICTION!!! Screw it. Hyrule Kart here I come!
So where's the occulus rift mod?
I thought the question was: "What are U waiting for?"
The hell? I skipped to the part where Sonic is played AND ROBOTNIK'S DEATH BALL IS ROLLING AROUND THE FIRST STAGE.... at the 7:56 mark. WTF?!?!? Is this an earlier version or special version for this event or what?
No items, bikes only, Exictebike
Well.... They did manage to put out Metroid Prime Trilogy no problem. And that Kirby collection. And they put ports of the console Zelda game onto a GCN disc (with less space than the Wii disc).
Rules can be found here: http://smashbros.nintendo.com/rules/
A couple weeks ago ZombiU was discounted at best buy. I got it and Ninja Gaiden 3 for $8 each. Haven't started ZombiU yet... kinda working through Ninja Gaiden and the games I nabbed during the Smash Bros. eShop sale (plus real life....).
One of the best examples I can think of to explain your style tweaking by the artist explanation is Twilight Princess. All it's using is a slightly tweaked version of the enigine running Wind Waker.
Nintendo. "Doomed" since 1985.
I believe Monster Hunter 4 is getting Zelda costumes and (of all things) Animal Crossing costumes. There was also a Sonic costume but that's Sega, not Nintendo.
Fist Mii? I thought it was Punch Mii...
This reminds me of all those mashup fighting animations I used to watch on Newgrounds. So good. Anyone remember Super Mario Bros. Z?
Sharp Shooter Sharla! I usually keep her in my third slot for her healing gun abilities.