
Something that might be of interest for you: the Polymega. It’s a device for playing CD games from the old consoles. Using emulation it will play PS1, Sega CD, Sega Saturn, TurboGrafx CD and Neo Geo CD, all regions. Some people are kinda bummed about the emulation since it was originally promised to use an FPGA chip

Dolphin can run the GameCube version and the Wii Virtual Console version. To emulate the 3DS version, you need to use Citra.

I recall on the 3DS there being Castlevania: Lord of Shadows: Mirror of Fate and Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate which later got ported as Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate: Deluxe Edition. 

I use the Tetris Effect Yours Forever theme. Love the music, love the background, just love the overall feel of this theme. I’ll occasionally switch out for the Undertale theme since that has good music as well.

I do! Don't know why more people talk about it considering it was made by HAL.

I don’t see the point. At least with a comic book, you can open it and turn the pages to see everything in it. With coins you can see the whole coun right there. But sealed video games? You’re buying a box with a wrap around it that now you’re never allowed to open lest you want to destroy it’s value. You can’t open

Hooooo boy where do I start.... Kid Icarus Uprising is probably my favorite 3DS game just for how many features of the machine it was able to utilize, alongside simple controls and a funtastic script. There's too many other games I want to recommend as week but I don't have time to list them all.

There’s a place in Vegas my dad loves eating at and talking about whenever he goes there.

Now playing

If I may suggest an alternative, the Generations 06 Project has a much faster feel to it. Level designs were tweaked some to accommodate Generations’ mechanics but it’s basically all there. On the plus side, no loading screens in the middle of the level, just a straight transition to the next part. On the downside,

That’s a chunkier looking Switch Mini than I was expecting.

Though they did get Pokemon Centers before anyone else.

I’m actually one of the people who’s hitting dislike for all of the above. I want to see the service improved, I want to see improvements to the NES library, I want to see the other classic consoles return and, while not too necessary if the classic games subscription system is finally fixed but still would be good to

There was a Wii U Virtual Console rerelease of Duck Hunt a few other Nintendo made Zapper games. They have you use the Wii Remote and give you the option of having a new reticle on screen to show where you’re pointing.

I don’t have this particular cable, but I do have Pound’s Original Xbox HDMI cable. It supports the Xbox’s 720p and 1080i modes for the games that support the feature. So I can get HD video from a console from 2001. Color me impressed!

I chose a good time to snag a cheap 360. This offer works for that system too! Downloading now!

Just a small update, it turns out Nintendo is also doing a standalone release on the eShop. Just like with the physical version, the digital version will come with a code for the expansion pass for XC2. So that makes two ways of buying the game digitally.

If I had more time, I’d be playing mine more. It’s a nice quick way for be to load up Balloon Fight. but for now it’s sitting with my other consoles... waiting for me...

Agreed on pretty much everything you said. While I can’t handle horror, I’ve tried ZombiU and was impressed with how creative the team at Ubisoft was in creating the horror by forcing you to look at the GamePad occasionally. Star Fox Zero I enjoyed but was bummed I could really play new levels in co-op, I had to beat

I like to collect me some games and when I look for Wii U games, I’m always on the look out for those games that did something different with the Gamepad. Besides NintendoLand, the only other game REALLY went all out and succeeded in implementing the GamePad (in my opinion) was Game & Wario. It may be another minigame