That’s really something :( And he imported it from my country, too. :(
That’s really something :( And he imported it from my country, too. :(
GameXplain just did a video on this feature using the North American eShop, so I’m pretty sure it’s not just in Japan.
The eNASCAR iRacing Pro invitational Series event, where NASCAR drivers are racing each other on the internet…
I guess you haven’t watched the recent trailers for Dr. Mario World.
Ah, good catch, now if only I could edit posts older than 15 min.
Or the 3DS... or DS... or GameCube, when you attached a GBA to it... or, uh, the Dreamcast, with its controller thingy?
The idea of the “second screen” isn’t new; Microsoft made it a cornerstone of the Xbox One’s design, Sony lets you shift PS4 games to a Vita screen and countless games have released official apps that bring parts of a console game to a mobile device.
Okay even if this is bait I can’t stay silent. WTF, are you kidding? Ignoring the fact that due to the sheer amount of crap happening over there, they might not even have the staff that’s needed for it and Kyoto itself isn’t doing to good, this was clearly done out of respect to those affected, today probably isn’t…
I really gotta try and recommend ZombiU again, because I think it was the best example of how the gamepad could enhance a single-player experience (and it had a surprisingly fun asymmetrical local multiplayer mode).
Let’s hope they don’t lose their way
That seems both awful and amazing
.: clap, clap, clap :. - Metroid Prime 3
Be warned, a lengthy post with several spoilers lies ahead.
Pretty sure that’s the point and why we see him rot as a display of progression. There’s a reason that the triumphant music stops when that final blow is landed and a requiem starts. Shadow of the Colossus starts out about a game of hanging on, but really it’s a game about letting go. Which is why it’s the last thing…
I’m sure Treehouse was jotting down notes on how they could Localize the Fuck out of this.
By localize I mean how they can fit “Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease” into the dialogue.
There was after that for gba, but it was based on the tv show