
Mania Plus is going to have two new characters to play as along with a new Encore mode alongside the original Mania mode. Encore will remix/revamp some stages, add a full Angel Island Zone stage, a new pinball bonus stage, etc. On top of that, there’s other changes like 4 player Competition mode and other things.

Now I’m curious. Animal Crossing was originally an N64 game. That N64 version had the ability to play Famicom / NES games. Could this discovery in the GameCube version also still be hiding in the older game on older hardware? On top of that, could this same emulator have been used in other games and allow the same

I don’t think we’ll be getting a Super Gameboy. We already got that.

There's a possibility they're holding off on an announcement of a regular sized new2DS. Maybe they're working on a Switch dock with extra GPU power in it for better performance. Or perhaps they're preparing for a N64 Classic or GameBoy Classic reveal. The possibilities are endless!

I’d love to see this mod done with the original DS model. I love my DS lite but the GBA cart sticking out like that always bugged me a bit, whereas the original has the cart fitting flush in the unit.

I’m pretty sure Dillon’s Dead-Heat Breakers is launching on 3DS, not Switch. *insert obligatory “it should be on Switch” rant* 

I was having a hard time thinking of what I wanted on my Switch. So I gave myself a tool to help me for when I figured it out later.

Same here. I actually found an original copy of it not too long ago and it’s really fun! What I’m interested in is what kind of enhancements it will get with the extra processing power. But most important to me, how is the original Panzer Dragoon port that’s unlockable in the game going to run? As a non-Xbox user, I‘m

Not sure where the Sonic Returns name came from... The video clearly says Sonic Mania Adventures.

You bet I’m still complaining. I don’t want monetized loot boxes in any of my games. When I’m playing my retro games, I don’t need to pay for all the extra costumes that you can just find in the game. The most you had to do was once in a while enter a cheat code to get Big Head Mode or something silly like that to

Did you miss the part where the judge said Mario Kart was still allowed? That sets a precedence for at least E or E10+ rated games. There’s still plenty of great stuff at that rating level that can work as an alternative in the meantime. Madden, Rocket League, Minecraft, Crash Trilogy, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic Mania,

Now playing

They were showing off a 2D Kirby for the GameCube way back in 2005. That game didn’t come out until 2011 for the Wii in the form of Kirby’s Return to Dreamland. But one element that was shown off in the old footage that didn’t make it to RtD was the ability to create partners from the enemies like in Kirby Super Star.

Now playing

I know for a fact that 3 of the above mentioned games had a 2D version made. Firstly and kinda obviously to retro gamers: Star Wars. There’s a ton of 2D Star Wars games but I’m sure most people will turn to the SNES games:


Apparently they already shutdown the ability to purchase anything in app. You can’t buy Miitomo coins anymore.

I didn’t realize a game could come out twice on the same day and same platform. Way to go World to the West!

“brought the total of New Nintendo 3DS-exclusive physical games up to three”

If it helps any, Mutant Mudds Collection should be coming out on December 14 for Switch as well.