You ponder that... I'll be enjoying The Wonderful 101 and Mario Kart 8. Come to think of it, I actually picked up Sonic Lost World recently... and Capcom is having that eShop sale... WII U HERE I COME!!!
You ponder that... I'll be enjoying The Wonderful 101 and Mario Kart 8. Come to think of it, I actually picked up Sonic Lost World recently... and Capcom is having that eShop sale... WII U HERE I COME!!!
Is that a headphone jack I see? Sound input (microphone) or output (passthrough to external sound system)?
I thought we were talking about Contra... ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A, START. 30 lives.
Yup. Didn't work. Until I remembered there was a START button involved.
Each to his own. I believe they'll give Wii U a few more years; seeing that they have a full-out Zelda in the works, their take on a shooter (Splatoon), Xenoblade Chronicles X, Star Fox and more projects. Nintendo doesn't seem to let its consoles and handheld die quickly with the exception of the Virtual Boy.
I'm getting tired of seeing comments like this. "Could totally kick butt on a better machine" How about it can kick butt now? Games don't need top of the line hardware to be a good game. It needs good game design. Some how we survived having a PS2, an N64, a Sega Genesis, A FREAKING GAMEBOY THAT COULD ONLY DISPLAY…
Yeah, for whatever reason I find myself liking the Japanese version much more than this UK version. The voices fit better in my head. And it's fun to say "NyanNyanNyan NEKO MARIO TIME!!!" like a manchild.
Has any game tried to do a voice chat before where the volume of the voices differs based on distance? I think that might be interesting for Mario Kart 8. Then again, I'm alright with the current set up. At least there's something.
It depends on what you are playing. If I had to guess, I'd say you were playing Mario 3D World. That's how that game was designed to control, even with the Gamepad sticks (and the Nunchuck, and the Classic Controller). Meanwhile with Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 8 and the Wonderful 101 (and most likely every other game that…
For a moment there I thought you were talking about Hades... it took me a moment to remember Viridi. Anyways you're forgetting a few things in your gushing over the game: dat music. Dat MUSIC. As a former Band Geek, I can't get enough of the soundtrack; so much goodness, so many varying styles. Also dialogue. "Floor…
holy... what the... HOW IS IT THAT WE HAD THE EXACT SAME INTEREST IN BOTH KID ICARUS AND WONDERFUL 101?!?!? Only difference is I have been too distracted with Mario Kart 8, Zelda Minish Cap and Batman Arkham City to force myself to play the 101 while over on my 3DS I'm still replaying levels in Kid Icarus for fun (and…
\( ^ω ^)/
Here's the phone, it's Hyrule Warriors calling for you. And I think Smash Bros. left you a voicemail alongside Bayonetta 2 not too long ago.
I found awhile back that Nintendo was putting refurbished products onto their online store. Sure enough:…
Pac-Man VS: "You Don't Need a GBA-to-GCN Link Cable" Edition *NOW WITH FOUR GHOSTS
In one of your later posts you say you stopped caring about this thread... BUT WHATEVER HERE'S MY REPLY!!!
try using the Pixlr Editor. I find it useful for quick things like this since it works similar to photoshop and is based as an online flash application. It also does wonders when you can't access photoshop (grumble). GOOD LUCK!
Wait wait wait WAIT. Are you telling me that the free game counted towards the DDP? You sure?!? I've gotta check now!!!
Funny thing is that Nintendo's consoles still can't play DVDs. I find it odd, but I can live with it.
Also the reason they went for mini-DVD or whatever it's called on the Gamecube. Seriously, MK:DD loads in a split second. No waiting time. Just right into the race.