
Why not use a hair salon/beauty salon as your example since equitable/the mostly women version of a barber shop? And even then I still see plenty of guys that come in for a cut, mostly it seems so they can flirt with their hairdresser. Yet I have never seen one of them refused service.

My ex-boyfriend.

She looks like “Dirrrty” era Christina Aguliera here.

We never dissected anything in class, thank god. Even in AP Bio the closest I get to a dead animal was when our teacher passed around a frozen deer heart that apparently the science department had on hand.

The problem isn’t that they are or are not exactly represented. The problem is that stories about transpeople have been increasingly popular especially in the last decade. They receive critical acclaim/awards, and make studios millions but no one actually wants to cast a transactor in the role (or really any role

I haven’t followed casting on this that closely but it is possible he wanted to cast a transwoman, but he would the studio wouldn’t agree to it? Studios definitely tell directors no on casting sometimes, and I would not find it hard to believe that execs don’t want to give millions of dollars to a film starring a

Meh, Ben Affleck has a history of taking his family for “walks” or the paparazzi some how “finds” them anytime he has a film coming out or during award season so I it seems like she is fine with using paparazzi pics to manage her PR. It helps her too if the public finds her sympathetic and likable.

That, but he also mentions Cosby being in “ relationships” with all these women so it seems like he also implying you can’t rape your girlfriend/wife. It is all fucking disgusting.

I saw that and was confused. Like why does taylor swift look like she has the same shitty folding table that is in my offices supply closet in driveway?

You’re acting like the catholic church have a history of staying out of politics/governments.

Yeah, like he is probably the best pope in history but like he is still a fucking pope so that is literally saying nothing. It would be like being the kindest dictator.

This a very long paragraph of things I already know. Her reality show popularity was short lived, her music career was a third rate britney/xtina at best, and she made terrible movies like Jessica Alba. She had more popularity in the press for her weight gain. Alba was the Megan Fox of her early/mid-2000s period.

I know people still consider MKA Olsen’s fashion lines “celebrity lines” even though they are obviously running them/simply used their childhood success to be able to move into the fashion world. The Row and Elizabeth and James are both successful.

Jessica Simpson was never that popular either.

She is definitely the face of the company. They may not be using her to market it as much since it has become so successful, but when the company first started she was all of day time talk shows and in celebrity/women’s’ magazines promoting it constantly. Maybe she is more involved than the average celeb line, it

He is a designer for Anthro so I am sure he is at least upper middle class wealthy, he just isn’t celebrity wealthy.

I remember reading when Kim was still with Reggie Bush that the deal breaker for him was that he didn’t want him or their relationship to be involved in reality tv.

oop, I knew Topanga the character was named after the canyon but I assumed she was referring to Topanga’s early seasons curly hair.

Topanga was a character on BMW, she had very curly hair in the early season.

There are pictures showing she did!