
I mean, I am only 2 years older than her and I have seen every ep of BMW at least 3-5 times. It ran on Disney channel and ABC family every day, multiple times of day.

Razors were popular with dudebros at my college (2008 - 2012)

It’s the best! All stores really need to slow their roll on holiday selling/seasonal selling. Target had their whole back to school section up this summer by the first week of July, and in my area of MA schools had only been out for literally only a week! I have been seeing halloween candy since the end of July.

Aside from being gender neutral, I wonder if it is related to people getting married less but feel boyfriend/girlfriend isn’t a serious enough term for the person they chose to spend their life with. I have had 2 aunts that did not marry their now-husbands for 15+ years, and partner was the preferred term prior to

I really don’t think I have given a hard no to any/many of these, but I didn’t even pause to think about it. Just no. I just can’t even imagine ever being attracted to him.

I haven’t seen an American Girl book since I was a kid, but from what I remember they actually were pretty good historical fiction for elementary school aged children. I had Samantha and Josefina, Samantha’s stories I remember definitely covered some class stuff regarding her Victorian upbringing and Josefina’s

MTE, an ex had a very large penis and I could never be on top because no matter than angle it was too painful.

This is how I feel, but in the Northeast I feel like we usually only get spring for like 2 weeks so in reality it sucks.

FOR REAL. I want to know where these winter people live. Winter is nice for maybe the month of December when things are cold and snowy for xmas, but then it fucking lasts through April in Boston.

I voted Summer as the best, but I really think Spring is. We just don’t really get Spring in Boston (like maybe 2 week period) so it is disqualified.

I truly don’t understand how people in this country (Christians lbr) are SO willfully ignorant about separation of church and state. Or think it applies to every religion BUT christianity.

Honestly, one of my favorite things about Nordstrom is the signs they put up every year around Thanksgiving that says something like “we like to decorate our holidays one at a time, so you won’t be seeing any xmas/holiday decorations until after Thanksgiving.” I love Thanksgiving (food/drinking not the history OK),

She did, her natural hair was a “mousy brown” by her own account.

No, but I remember when some other teen magazine called Lindsay the “next” Lucille Ball. She’s in comedies! She’s a red head! She was even dating a hispanic man at the time (Wilmer V)!

YES. I love that they both named their children after themselves. I have heard people claim it was so self-absorbed, but you know if was only Desi Jr no one would be saying that.

Her children are producing it so I can’t imagine they will allow too much of a critical eye to either parent (obviously they cannot deny their father’s cheating, but he and Lucille stayed on good terms post divorce anyway so it is easier to swallow).

Yeah, I was obsessed with Lucille Ball when I was younger and by all accounts she was difficult to work with.

I’m all for Cate playing Lucille, but I can’t imagine Aaron Sorking dialogue working for this movie.

I feel like SMG and Freddie Prince Jr have been together for so much longer than 13 years. I also don’t think I have seen FPJr since they got married, basically.

You’re not alone, my grandmother has always said she thinks Cindy looks like a man. I find her attractive, not my fav of the supermodels from that era, but obv still gorgeous.