
Also probably don’t get a butt life at a “beauty bar and boutique.”

I mean really what is one woman’s life when you have a football game to win and hundreds of millions on the line? Fucking sickening. I honestly can’t imagine how women are fans of the NFL when they continually protect these men.

I mean more people are dead than currently alive so I assume most areas have some graveyards/burial grounds many layers underneath them.

Not until the end of this season of The Voice!

Wow, there relationship and new song coincides with the new season of The Voice! What a coincidence!

I swear the Hallmark channel plays Xmas movies year round

I am firmly in the one holiday at a time camp. I don’t celebrate Halloween things until October. November is for Thanksgiving. I LOVE Thanksgiving. I enjoy Xmas, but it makes it a lot more special for me when it is just for the month of December. If you celebrate Xmas for 3 months is it really that special anymore?

What. The. Fuck.

Okay but have you played hide and seek, or manhunt, as an adult? Because it is a lot of fun especially once it is dark and involves some alcoholic beverages.

I know a lot of married couples that have dealt with infidelity and most of them are still together. It takes time, and therapy but it can be done. I will say most of the people I know did not have long term affairs, I think it would be harder to recover from an emotional affair.

Nope that was rumor. It was about his 14 year old girlfriend when he was 14, it is confirmed. “On VH1 Storytellers, Mayer said that the song is about his very first girlfriend, which he had when he was 14 years old. Said Mayer: “It’s really a song about when you could love someone enough to jump into bed at 4 and get

How was he suppose to know they were driving before he served? Plenty of people choose to call a cab/uber post-drinking. And he was doing a public service calling the cops once he did notice they were driving whether or not they stiffed him on the tip.

Jenny Slate wore a veggie head piece when she got married.

Same. I was in LOVE with this boy when I was 14, and he finally asked me to be his girlfriend. It lasted about ~3 days because it freaked me out, and I avoided dating again until I was 18.

She is writing about how she felt when she was also an adolescent? Not how she feels now?

I was on the nj transit about a month ago when I saw this 20something guy kept turning and looking at me it made me uncomfortable but I ignored it because maybe he was looking at something else? But then I saw him holding his phone at such an awkward way - there was no way he could be using it for anything else other

I wouldn’t think people that want to see Britney in Vegas and people that want to see Celine in Vegas would have much overlap tbh.

I love cats and have lived with cats my whole life, but for some reason during my teenage years I developed an allergy to cats. I still live with cats, but I take allergy meds and if I forget my eyes swell shut and I get hives if I touch them. I still don’t get why I just randomly developed an allergy that I have been

Have you been pregnant? If not you could look into Skyla. It is only 3 years, but less hormones than Mirena. My doc recommended it because I am sensitive to the pill and was looking for lower hormone options.

My parents have an 18lb cat and the vet wants her to get down to at least 12, but it is a hard to put a cat on a diet when you have 2.