
As a Kentuckian, both the ass-grabbing and the weird food predilections, especially regarding gravy, all jive with the local lore about the Colonel.

That’s “Nice Guys™.”

I thought thing about LA was that most of the population isn’t from there...

“ Seems like it’s so easy to get laid now all these good looking athletic young guys r getting so much free sex it kills me.”

“Free sex” ... let me throw up my dinner.

Plus, he owns that comic book store and is into collectibles, so I can totally see him keeping a big wad of cash on hand at all times in case he finds something he has to have.

Not sure if serious, but...

In all likelihood, he probably started out with $10,000… the max you can readily withdraw in cash before you have to start documenting things with the IRS.

Yes the most direct correlation for me, is to that of the entitled weird guys who blame society and the “norms” for their lack of female attention. “But I’m such a nice guy! Why don’t women understand how I deserve them!”

Let’s all make a promise that when/if we become famous, we will all be Kevin Smith Famous.

I’ve been listening to undisclosed and serial dynasty/truth and justice. If their evidence is to be believed-

It’s hard to tell what any court will do with new witnesses but the unreliable data plus the fact that his lawyer did not know that incoming calls shouldn’t be looked at for location purposes at all are pretty good factors for a new trial. (AT&T said when turning over the data that incoming call location data was not

I just got finished typing that :)

9 out of 10 comments are going to be: “I think he did it, but the case wasn’t strong enough to send him away.”

not saying she hasn’t, but she has had kids, and that does affect your boobs.

Has anyone ever (ACCIDENTALLY) had this happen with a relative (BY ACCIDENT) and never forgotten the shame and horror of turning your head at the wrong moment and kissing your gross uncle on the mouth (OH MY GOD IT WAS AN ACCIDENT).

He still has actor’s looks. He needs to take acting lessons. That’s the problem with all these musicians who try to become actors. They try to skip the hard work that many actors put in though studying and doing lesser roles and off Broadway stage work. They assume because they are huge in the musical scene, they will

Is anyone buying Gavin’s excuse for not having a more successful career is because his wife won’t let him tour?

I agree with you, and I think her heavy makeup with it gives her the most expressionless face ever. When I watch her on the Voice I feel like I’m watching a puppet, where the only way you understand intent is from vocal inflections (which are all weirdly peppy teenage girl). Why anyone would pick her as their coach