
Roses are so boring.

I’m in the Northeast and this is definitely a thing you can do easily at most local pizza shops. Even a few smaller chains offer it.

I watched last weeks episode since it aired after The Leftovers, and I guess I just don’t really get it? Or maybe last week was especially uneventful? They basically spent the entire time showing us them trying to get permits for filming after dark, and Effie telling them they had to wrap for the day since they didn’t

I feel like I should be more excited for this, but I actually don’t find the show to hold up for me now on rewatches. I still enjoy it ok, but I really don’t love it like I once did when it first aired. Especially because I was never a fan of Luke/Lorelei so them being end game ruined the later seasons.

I would say about a 2 month supply, so around 60.

“For me she is the new Naomi, Claudia, Cindy.”

I have no idea who Bella Thorne is and I just googled her bf (Tristan Klier?) and I have no idea who he is either. I suspect most people out of the Nick/Disney demographic don’t so that may be why no one is talking about them.

Is Radar ever a reliable source though?

Regardless of whether I am in shape or a little chubby I have thick ankles. Jealous of people that have defined ankles with that little bone indent in the back tbh. I went to school with a girl that wasn’t thin, but she had great ankles.. I realize I may sound insane.

When people do that I always think of The Royal Tenenbaums.

Oprah? Ellen? There have been rumors about Ellen for years now.

On Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me they asked Martha Stewart how to make Spam and she said exactly this fry it a little on both sides and it is delicious (I think she suggested making a sandwich though).

Meh, have a group message you don’t keep up with and it is possible to get 69 messages in just an hour. It even happens to my mother with her sisters.

I could see if she went with rifle/arrow wounds as part of the costume why people might find it in poor taste, but I don’t really see what is insensitive about saying just a regular lion costume is Cecil?

My ex was 6’5” and I am 5’3”. Kissing standing up just did not happen. All was fine once we were sitting or in bed.

Ugh. I am one of those people. I cannot share a tooth brush, it may not be logical but it is used to clean gunk/old food out of your mouth! No!

OMG He looks so much like Chad in Scream Queens to me. I actually thought the first picture was him. I did not notice this before.

All I noticed is she wears a lot of dumb Madewell french tees.

