
Probably nothing, people are talking about them and that is all that matters. Kim’s engagement ring from Kanye was a hand-me-down too, he originally gave it to his first fiancé, Alexis Phiper.

Well he has 2 new shows coming out American Crime and Scream Queens, so following his usual pattern he will forgot all about AHS soon.

The heels are actually pretty ugly imo.

I understood it to be mean because how well she fills it out?

Same here.. any time lately I start watching porn lately I start wondering about the people and their lives/what led them to porn/if they want to be doing it etc etc. Doesn’t really get me in the mood. No when I am in a porn mood I just read erotica.

Unless actually searching on queer lady sites most lesbian porn on popular porn sites is terrible/catering to straight men and women.

When she kept mentioning friends I felt like she was just making pointed remarks toward Kim Kardashian.

The last time the press tried to say Gavin was cheating with the nanny the nanny in question turned out to be his sister. Did they get a new nanny, or did everyone just forget and decide to assume it was the nanny again?

I mean there are pictures of Ben meeting with his nanny at night outside his rented house when no kids were around so he was most likely cheating with the nanny (though definitely not just the nanny imo). Last I heard Gavin/Gwen’s nanny was his sister so that does put a new spin on this story.

I have been around loud drunk people, but I will never forget in college this girl that showed up to this my usual very chill lounge/bar one night with a huge group of her friends and just continually yelled in such a way that she literally sounded like an alarm clock. My friends and I could not get over it, and her

He has posed nude before so I don’t think he is super shy about showing his dick.

She is definitely currently “thicker” than she has been so I think that is why people are saying it.

I will be really surprised if Will and Jada ever get divorced. They have always been very open about how they will NEVER get divorced because it is not even an option, and I believe them. I also believe the rumors that they have an open marriage, but whatever works.

MTE. Plus anytime Gwen mentioned her marriage it always seemed pretty depressing, I mean who really knows but it never sounded like they had an especially good marriage imo.

I feel like besides Ben and Jen, this is the other celeb divorce I have been expecting for the past 5 years.

One time my slightly distant Greek relatives got very upset because my American raised Uncle was not going to follow Greek tradition and name his son after his father (a greek name). They said Americans name their children like pets. This was a decade ago, and I think they really had a point.

Can we talk about Ally Mcbeal, though? Because I was kid in the 90s so I did not watch it, but it was such a cultural thing that I knew about it. I watched it on Netflix a yearish ago for the first time and I was totally unprepared for the fact that it was literally insane.

Camp for rich kids is a thing. The camp I worked at was $12,000 for 6 weeks starting price - if parents wanted their kids to do activities that were off camp like horse back riding or golfing or white water rafting that was extra, and they needed to provide kids with several hundred dollars spending money for day

I would definitely think bed bugs could be caught (is that the right term?) through movie theaters since they have fabric seats and rugs. I remember during the height of the bed bug scare a few years ago even library books were suspicious/possible carriers.

*humans (as a collective whole) are lousy drivers