
1. what the fuck am i doing with my life

I’m quick in the bathroom, I don’t see the point of bringing my phone. Plus I know multiple people that have ruined phones by stupidly dropping them in the toilet.

I mean it is ridiculous, but at the same time I remember a fairly large amount of people making arguments against McCain based on the fact that he was old/had skin cancer and would die in office. Clinton’s not young anymore so verify that a 67 year old woman is indeed healthy publicly is good because her age is

Excuse you, all the cats I have had are super friendly and obsessed with constantly being around you to the point of annoyance. I will say they are siamese cats though so their personality is a little different.

Evan Ross would be so much better looking if he got rid of that gross chin stubble. Ugh, I just find that style facial hair repulsive.

I don’t know, I always thought her new nose looked weird.

yeah Blake’s nose and boob job are certainly some of the best.

I would hope that she has at least grown up a little from her former bratty teenage self. I can’t say I was a perfect sweet and respectful angel all the time then either. But good for Jessica being so kind, she has always seemed very sweet.

um this sounds like something i will love.

I can relate. My mother used to go through my room when I was in HS and give away things from my childhood that I “outgrew.” Most of the time I was pretty meh over it because it was like beanie babies that were taking up space, but one time she gave away a few hard cover childrens books that were in pristine condition

These are so beautiful that I almost wish it was viral marketing so I could watch this beautiful movie.

Michelle Williams (Actress) or Michelle Williams (Singer).

Jude Law and Sienna Miller were both having affairs so that makes him cheating with the nanny a little more okay.

yeah.. it would be mean to link to any individuals but there were definitely far more men on the list that I was really wondering if they were the best capitol hill had to offer.

I hate NCIS and Polly Perrette especially.

Chrissy Teigen has said she and John Legend had plane sex before. I think they had a couple seats between them/roomy first class seats and a blanket. They looked like they were just cuddling/spooning.

My extremely wealthy aunt and uncle (in their 60s) through the BEST parties. Their 4th of July and Xmas eve parties are legendary. You never have an empty glass, and the amount and variety of food is always delicious.

Is Shana her real name, because I worked with a girl name Shana that was totally stupid enough to sympathize and crush on these type of guys. But I defriended her years ago when I quit that awful job.

Is this some clever marketing by Miller High Life/cheap beer companies, because it is remarkably similar to GQ’s “I Hate Fancy Beers”

God, this divorce is getting messy and it is what day 3?