
So someone mentioned they were friends before, but I can only ever find mention of Kacey speaking nicely of writing/working for her. Nothing to suggest they have a close friendship. I would be interested if you have any interviews.

And Kacey reaction of the CMT Awards (or one of the country award shows idk).

Oh shit. I totally believed Blake was the cheater. Lainey can be annoying, but she posts the most reliable BI.

Nicky Hilton just married a ROTHSCHILD. That family is worth billions, why the fuck is she doing this. Her wedding dress alone was 77,000 dollars. Whatever she is getting paid by these companies must be a literal drop in the bucket in comparison.

Almost positive that is actually wig. In in hq close up shots you can see how her baby hairs don’t sticking out are her real hair and don’t go with the wig.

There have been rumors of him cheating on Miranda for at least the past year, and he left his first wife for Miranda.

I agree. The only couple this would apply to is Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell (though not technically a divorce).

Actually if you click on the article of 60 minutes interview he is referring to his first marriage/divorce as the most difficult thing he has had to do.

I am curious to why you think the rumors of his dalliances are more than likely false when he cheated on his first wife with Miranda? If anything it just seems in character to me.

Exactly what I was going to say.

I read an article recently where a mother described her daughters first symptoms of schizophrenia/that something wasn’t right with her. And she mentioned her daughter saw faces on cars made from headlights and they looked angry. Then I became paranoid I may be developing early symptoms since I am the right age and see

I guess I have been neurotic since childhood. As a toddler I could not go into my bedroom at night w/o my shade already pulled down because the reflection of my curtains on the window looked like a man climbing my house while holding a koala bear and it terrified my that a he was trying to get in.

It took me a minute to realize the last one wasn’t actually a fish... I was wondering why it was weird to see a face on a fish face.

No, but at least it is more believable than the story J.Law told on late night about traveling with an array of butt plugs as a gift and her hotel maid lining them up. Like I know people make up cute stories to tell on these shows, but that still stands out in my mind as one of the most ridiculous and people loved it.

I tried Lays chocolate covered chips, and vomited later that night. I do not recommend them.

I have seen Ketchup Chips being sold in upstate NY when I went to college, but idk maybe because it was close to Canada Lays got confused. Dill Pickle chips are widely available in the US (in my shopping experience), and delicious.

I never really cared about Chrissy Teigen but then she made that fake domestic violence video with John Legend as a “joke” so that made hate both of them. Plus she thinks she is so very funny, and I really do not agree.

Yeah, this is a super common scam. It has happened to me at countless train stations.

SAME. I don’t even give a fuck about Drake, but I am really into this.